Holiday Gift Guide December 21 2019, 0 Comments

SLO: Najlepši čas, čas obdarovanj, veselja, druženja. Čas, ki ga pri The Lie by JPZ tako zelo obožujemo. Vsako leto vam pomagamo pri izbiri tistega najbolj pravega, osebnega in posebnega darila za vaše najdražje družinske člane in prijatelje, ki se nato skrbno izdela in pripravi v naših delavnicah. The Lie by JPZ je duh Božiča.

ENG: It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The time of gifting, happiness and joyful gatherings. The time we so dearly love here at The Lie JPZ. Every year, we help you choose the most personal, special and just simply the best gift for your dearest family members and friends, which are then carefully crafted and prepared in our workshops. The Lie by JPZ is the spirit of Christmas. Find your perfect gift.

Go Personalized

SLO: Letos navdušite s personalizirano The Lie by JPZ denarnico! Na pozlačeno ploščico vgraviramo željeni tekst, ime, datum, inicialke... Skratka, karkoli vam poželi srce!

ENG: Do you want to put a finishing touch to your gift?
Wish to give that special person something really unique?
Or just want to make it your own? Our exclusive service features an array of plaques in different shapes and sizes that enable you to customize your favourite The Lie by JPZ item this Christmas. An engraved inscription will make it a special, unique and timeless gift, that is set to impress.
Whether it is a thank-you note, your life's motto, name, date or in initials, our team will be happy to help you select the perfect inscription that will carry a special meaning.

The Lie by JPZ for HER

SLO: Mošnjiček se je povzpel na lestvico slave pred mnogimi leti. Toda pri The Lie by JPZ se nismo niti malo obotavljali, ko smo poleti navdušeno pripeljali nazaj ta prostorni model ikonične torbice. Izdelan iz zanimivih materialov, v drznih barvah in dodatkih ter genijalno nadgrajen je naš mošnjiček odlično darilo zanjo v letošnji praznični sezoni. Dovolj velik, da vanj pospravi vse potrebno in dovolj majhen, da se poda k čisto vsem kombinacijam, The Lie by JPZ mošnjiček tako postane perfektno darilo. 

ENG: The bucket bag climbed the ranks of handbag fame many many years ago. But here at The Lie by JPZ we're hesitant to give up on the roomy style just yet. Reworked in fun materials, bold hardware, and more genius upgrades, our bucket bag is definitely the perfect gift for her this holiday season. Big enough to fit all of her on-the-go needs, this Christmas find the perfect The Lie by JPZ bucket bag that fits her style perfectly. The Lie by JPZ is the spirit of Christmas.

The Lie by JPZ for HIM

SLO: Bomber jakna. Obvezni kos moške garderobe. Kombinacija prešitega materiala in patenta pa je ravno pravšnja tako za športne kot bolj elegantne outfit-e. 

ENG: Bomber jacket. A must have piece of men's wardrobe. The combination of quilted material in black and bold patents will add desired edge to both sporty and more elegant looks.

The Lie by JPZ for PETS

SLO: Ovratnica s povodcem. V letošnji praznični sezoni smo pri The Lie by JPZ poskrbeli tudi za vašega ljubljenčka. Za šik vstop v Novo Leto je tu usnjena ovratnica in pocodec iz pozlačene verižice. 

ENG: Collar & Lead Set. This year's holiday season we also took care of your pet here at The Lie by JPZ. For a chic entry into the New Year, there is a leather collar and golden chain lead set.

SLO: In tako pri The Lie by JPZ Lovimo še zadnje minute, da naložima vaša božična naročila na naš božični avto in jih ob pravem času dostavimo do Božička! Še dobro, da ga imamo, saj zagotovo poskrbi za dostavo pod vašega novega The Lie by JPZ kosa pod smrekico. 

ENG: And so here at The Lie by JPZ we are hunting for the last minutes to place your Christmas orders on our Christmas car and deliverthem to Santa at the right time! Good to have him, as he will definitely delivered your new favorite The Lie by JPZ piece under the Christmas tree on time.