Style Makers Rocking NY's PARTY Capsule Collection January 28 2020, 0 Comments
NY’s PARTY COLLECTION, ki smo jo decembra ustvarili in zajema tri različne tipe oblek za vsako priložnost, ujemajoč mošnjiček ter viseče uhane, je aktualna skozi vse leto, kar dokazujejo naše The Lie by JPZ “Stylemaker-ke”! Poglejte si le nekatere, ki so dobesedno zažigale v Neya, Yerneya in Pody Music oblekah! Hvala, drage naše!
Mirjam Poterbin je blestela na 62. podelitvi Grammy nagrad v LA-ju minulo nedeljo, in sicer v modelu Yerneya, ki jo je dopolnila z ujemajočim mošnjičkom. Za enak model se je za odrski nastop na prireditvi Nogometne zveze Sloveije, decembra lani odločila tudi Natalija Verboten, ki je obleko dopolnila z visečimi uhani iz taiste kolekcije. Pevka Gaja Prestor se je v modelu obleke Yerneya, mošnjičku in uhanih, udeležila velikega dogodka v Cankarjevem domu. Pevka Nina Donelli je za enega svojih decembrskih nastopov izbrala model obleke Neya. V istem modelu je v Srbiji na novoletni zabavi navdušila Zvezdana Ristić.
Pri The Lie by JPZ na leto lansiramo najmanj 2 kolekciji - za pomlad/poletje in jesen/zimo. V decembru 2019 smo naredili še božično kolekcijo večernih oblek, nato pa ji je sledila še novoletna. Delujemo po pristopu velikih modnih hiš iz tujine in tako svojim strankam skozi leto dejansko ponudimo širok nabor modelov oblek med katerimi lahko izbirajo, nato pa se obleka izdela po njihovih merah in z željenimi prilagoditvami. Imamo tudi stranke, ki želijo imeti popolnoma unikatne obleke. Večina pa sledi The Lie by JPZ trendom, modelom oblek, pasov in torbic, ki predstavljajo posamezno sezono oziroma kolekcijo pri blagovni znamki The Lie by JPZ in izbirajo znotraj njih. In s tem je naš namen, način našega dela, razmišljanja in koncepta blagovne znamke dosežen. Pokazati, kako lahko enak ali podoben model obleke čisto vsaka ženska nosi po svoje in ji doda svoj pečat- to je zame kot oblikovalko nekaj neprecenljivega in največje zadovoljstvo v celotnem procesu ustvarjanja ter doseganja ciljev in vizije Blagovne znamke The Lie by JPZ.
Še enkrat, drage naše, hvala, ker vam je všeč, hvala, ker sledite, hvala, ker sprejmete, hvala, ker ste The Lie by JPZ ženske.
NY’s PARTY COLLECTION, which we launched in December and includes three different types of dresses for every occasion is suitable throughout the entire year, as shown by our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ “Stylemaker’s! Just look at the few of them, who were rocking events in Neya, Yerneya and Pody Music dresses. Thank you, dear ladies!
Mirjam Poterbin shone bright at the 62nd Grammy Awards in LA last Sunday, wearing Yerneya evening gown, complemented with a matching bucket bag. Natalija Verboten opted for Yerneya dress for her stage performance at the Slovene Football Association event last December, complementing it with drop earrings from the same collection. Singer Gaja Prestor attended a big business event in Yerneya dress, bucket bag and drop earrings. Singer Nina Donelli has chosen Neya dress for one of her concerts. In the same model, Zvezdana Ristic was shining bright at the New Year's party in Serbia.
At The Lie by JPZ, we launch at least 2 collections a year - spring / summer and fall / winter. In December 2019, we did a Christmas collection of evening gowns, followed by the New Year's Party Collection. We operate according to the approach of the big fashion houses, thus offering our clients a wide range of dress designs to choose from throughout the entire year, after which the dresses are custom made according to their measurments and desired adjustments. We also have clients who want to have completely unique outfits. Most, however, follow The Lie by JPZ trends and designs of dresses, belts and handbags that represent the individual season or collection at The Lie by JPZ and make choices within them. And with that, our purpose, the way we work, our thinking and our brand concept is achieved. Demonstrating how the same or a similar model of a dress can be worn by different wemen, adding their own personal impact to my creations - this to me as a designer is something invaluable and the greatest pleasure in the whole process of creating and achieving the goals and vision within The Lie by JPZ brand.
Again, our dear ones, thank you for believeing, thank you for following, thank you for accepting, thank you for being The Lie by JPZ women.
Thank you, dear ladies!