Blog, News & Styling Tips

The Lie by JPZ SPRING SUMMER 2024 Collection: Whispers Of Femininity May 16 2024, 0 Comments


Najnovejša kolekcija The Lie by JPZ JPOMLAD/POLETJE 2024: Whispers Of Femininity

Prepustite se dramatičnim silhuetam, nevtralnim barvam in drznim niansam. The Lie by JPZ kolekcija pomlad poletje uteleša brezčasno eleganco, izčiščeno estetiko in prefinjeno privlačnost. Razgibana v umu, čutna v duši  in močna v odločitvah, The Lie by JPZ ženska sezone z močnim glasom šepeta - ženstvenost.



The latest The Lie by JPZ SPRING/SUMMER 2024 Collection: Whispers Of Femininity
Indulge in The Lie by JPZ's dramatic silhouettes, neutral colors and bold nuances. The Lie by JPZ Spring Summer collection embodies timeless elegance, pure aesthetics and sophisticated allure. Versatile in mind, sensual in spirit and strong in decision The Lie by JPZ woman of the season whispers femininity with strong voice.


Campaign shot by @tiborgolob
Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @mpb @lukabojanc
Make up by @secretkeymakeup
Hair by @kikihir_slo
Models @rebekapredan @klara.peterlin
Shot at

The Lie by JPZ SPRING SUMMER 2024 Collection Lookbook: Whispers Of Femininity May 15 2024, 0 Comments



Najnovejša kolekcija The Lie by JPZ POMLAD/POLETJE 2024: Whispers Of Femininity

Prepustite se dramatičnim silhuetam, nevtralnim barvam in drznim niansam. The Lie by JPZ kolekcija pomlad poletje uteleša brezčasno eleganco, izčiščeno estetiko in prefinjeno privlačnost. Razgibana v umu, čutna v duši  in močna v odločitvah, The Lie by JPZ ženska sezone z močnim glasom šepeta - ženstvenost.



The latest The Lie by JPZ SPRING/SUMMER 2024 Collection: Whispers Of Femininity
Indulge in The Lie by JPZ's dramatic silhouettes, neutral colors and bold nuances. The Lie by JPZ Spring Summer collection embodies timeless elegance, pure aesthetics and sophisticated allure. Versatile in mind, sensual in spirit and strong in decision The Lie by JPZ woman of the season whispers femininity with strong voice.


Campaign shot by @tiborgolob
Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @mpb @lukabojanc
Make up by @secretkeymakeup
Hair by @kikihir_slo
Models @rebekapredan @klara.peterlin
Shot at

The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 23/24 Collection: Hero Odissey October 21 2023, 0 Comments


Najnovejša kolekcija The Lie by JPZ JESEN ZIMA 2023/2024 se poigrava z bogatimi teksturami, kjer prevladuje paleta mat barv s pridihom lateks sijaja, ki poudarja ženstvenost in čutnost. Postanite junakinje sezone z našimi zimskimi plašči in jaknami. Dodajte svoji garderobi uporniški pridih v naših oblekah z ogrinjali. Povzdignite svojo modno igro z ostro prefinjenostjo The Lie by JPZ kostimov. Dodajte visoko urbanost svojemu videzu z našimi ikoničnimi torbami. Ali pa se prepustite moči udobja z našimi elegantnimi trenirkami. Kolekcija The Lie by JPZ JESEN ZIMA 23/24 zajema bistvo sodobne, nekonvencionalne elegance, ki prebuja romantično junakinjo v vas; ob vsaki priložnosti, na vsakem koraku, 24:7.

The latest The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 2023/2024 Collection plays with substantial textures, dominating matte color palette with a hint of latex gloss to enhance femininity and sensuality. Become outerwear hero of the season with our winter coats and jackets. Add rebellious flare to your wardrobe with our cape dresses. Elevate the fashion game with the edgy sophistication of The Lie by JPZ suits. Add polished urbanit and elevate your day-to-evening look with our iconic bags. Or indulge in the power of coziness with our chic tracksuits. The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 23/24 collection captures the essence of modern, unconventional elegance channeling the romantic heroine within you, 24:7.


Campaign shot by @tiborgolob
Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @mpb @lukabojanc
Make up by @secretkeymakeup
Hair by @kikihir_slo
Model: @rebekapredan
Special effects: Bumerang rental company

The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 23/24 Collection Lookbook: Hero Odyssey October 21 2023, 0 Comments



Najnovejša kolekcija The Lie by JPZ JESEN ZIMA 2023/2024 se poigrava z bogatimi teksturami, kjer prevladuje paleta mat barv s pridihom lateks sijaja, ki poudarja ženstvenost in čutnost. Postanite junakinje sezone z našimi zimskimi plašči in jaknami. Dodajte svoji garderobi uporniški pridih v naših oblekah z ogrinjali. Povzdignite svojo modno igro z ostro prefinjenostjo The Lie by JPZ kostimov. Dodajte visoko urbanost svojemu videzu z našimi ikoničnimi torbami. Ali pa se prepustite moči udobja z našimi elegantnimi trenirkami. Kolekcija The Lie by JPZ JESEN ZIMA 23/24 zajema bistvo sodobne, nekonvencionalne elegance, ki prebuja romantično junakinjo v vas; ob vsaki priložnosti, na vsakem koraku, 24:7.


The latest The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 2023/2024 Collection plays with substantial textures, dominating matte colur palette with a hint of latex gloss to enhance femininity and sensuality. Become outerwear hero of the season with our winter coats and jackets. Add rebellious flare to your wardrobe with our cape dresses. Elevate the fashion game with the edgy sophistication of The Lie by JPZ suits. Add polished urbanit and elevate your day-to-evening look with our iconic bags. Or indulge in the power of cozyness with our chic tracksuits. The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 23/24 collection captures the essence of modern, unconventtional elegance chanelling the romantic heroine within you, 24:7.


Campaign shot by @tiborgolob
Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @mpb @lukabojanc
Make up by @secretkeymakeup
Hair by @kikihir_slo
Model: @rebekapredan
Special effects: Bumerang rental company

The Lie by JPZ SPRING/SUMMER & RESORT 2023 Collection: Birds Of Paradise September 05 2023, 0 Comments

The Lie by JPZ ponosno predstavlja novo kolekcijo POMLAD/POLETJE & RESORT 23: Birds of Paradise! 

The Lie by JPZ proudly represents the new SPRING/SUMMER & RESORT 23 Collection: Birds of PARADISE! 

ENG: After a few years, we are coming back with our RESORT collection. This means, we’ll be serving you some Birds of Paradise gorgeousness through mid of December!
Dive in our limited edition run of brightly coloured pieces and summer prints. Look out for our gorgeous must have rope dresses, which are perfect for the beach in the day but you should definitely dressed them up with heels, jewellery and a clutch bag for evening dinner and drinks.
We have gorgeous airy maxi dresses perfect for hot climates but also jumpsuits galore and statement leather boleros with fur details which will see you through as temperatures start to drop.
Oh, and keep an eye on a new version of our ICONIC Celeste bag, which is now embellished with a (removable) parrot! Yes, you understood correctly! A parrot! And what makes it even more unique is that the Floki & Koki Parrots are removable, transitioning your Celeste bag from UNIQUE to CLASSIC. Elegance and rigor are mixed together in one bag to create a style statement.

Collection Birds of Paradise is available untill the mid of December or while stocks last.

SLO: Po nekaj letih se The Lie by JPZ vrača z RESORT kolekcijo, ki bo na voljo do sredine decembra!
Pustite se zapeljati naši omejeni seriji živobarvnih kosov in poletnih potiskov. Ne spreglejte naših čudovitih “must have” oblek iz vrvi, ki so podnevi kot nalašč za na plažo, vsekakor pa jih dopolnite s petami, nakitom in torbico za večerne poletne dogodke. Zračne maksi obleke so kot nalašč za vroče podnebje, kombinezoni in novi usnjeni boleri s krznenimi detajli, v katerih zagotovo ne boste ostale neopažene, pa so kot nalašč za dni, ko bodo temperature začele padati. Ne spreglejte pa tudi nove različice naše ikonične Celeste torbice, ki jo zdaj krasi (odstranljiva) papiga! Ja, prav ste razumeli! Papiga! In kar jo naredi še bolj edinstveno, je to, da sta Floki & Koki papigi odstranljivi in ​​vaša Celeste torbica se v trenutku spremeni iz UNIKATNE v KLASIČNO.

Kolekcija Birds of Paradise je na voljo do sredine decembra oziroma do razprodaje zalog.


Campaign shot by @tiborgolob
Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @mpb @lukabojanc
Make up by @gavranovicsmakeup
Models: @klara.peterlin @laurras_ @laura.skvorc 

The Lie by JPZ SPRING/SUMMER & RESORT 2023 Collection Lookbook: Birds Of Paradise May 09 2023, 0 Comments

The Lie by JPZ ponosno predstavlja novo kolekcijo POMLAD/POLETJE & RESORT 23: Birds of Paradise! 

The Lie by JPZ proudly represents the new SPRING/SUMMER & RESORT 23 Collection: Birds of PARADISE! 

ENG: After a few years, we are coming back with our RESORT collection. This means, we’ll be serving you some Birds of Paradise gorgeousness through mid of December!
Dive in our limited edition run of brightly coloured pieces and summer prints. Look out for our gorgeous must have rope dresses, which are perfect for the beach in the day but you should definitely dressed them up with heels, jewellery and a clutch bag for evening dinner and drinks.
We have gorgeous airy maxi dresses perfect for hot climates but also jumpsuits galore and statement leather boleros with fur details which will see you through as temperatures start to drop.
Oh, and keep an eye on a new version of our ICONIC Celeste bag, which is now embellished with a (removable) parrot! Yes, you understood correctly! A parrot! And what makes it even more unique is that the Floki & Koki Parrots are removable, transitioning your Celeste bag from UNIQUE to CLASSIC. Elegance and rigor are mixed together in one bag to create a style statement.

Collection Birds of Paradise is available untill the mid of December or while stocks last.

SLO: Po nekaj letih se The Lie by JPZ vrača z RESORT kolekcijo, ki bo na voljo do sredine decembra!
Pustite se zapeljati naši omejeni seriji živobarvnih kosov in poletnih potiskov. Ne spreglejte naših čudovitih “must have” oblek iz vrvi, ki so podnevi kot nalašč za na plažo, vsekakor pa jih dopolnite s petami, nakitom in torbico za večerne poletne dogodke. Zračne maksi obleke so kot nalašč za vroče podnebje, kombinezoni in novi usnjeni boleri s krznenimi detajli, v katerih zagotovo ne boste ostale neopažene, pa so kot nalašč za dni, ko bodo temperature začele padati. Ne spreglejte pa tudi nove različice naše ikonične Celeste torbice, ki jo zdaj krasi (odstranljiva) papiga! Ja, prav ste razumeli! Papiga! In kar jo naredi še bolj edinstveno, je to, da sta Floki & Koki papigi odstranljivi in ​​vaša Celeste torbica se v trenutku spremeni iz UNIKATNE v KLASIČNO.

Kolekcija Birds of Paradise je na voljo do sredine decembra oziroma do razprodaje zalog.


Campaign shot by @tiborgolob
Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @mpb @lukabojanc
Make up by @gavranovicsmakeup
Models: @klara.peterlin @laurras_ @laura.skvorc 


My Personal Style: Favorite Festive December 2021 Looks Recap January 10 2022, 0 Comments

Drage moje! 
V nedavni anketi, ki je potekala na našem Instagram profilu, ste na vprašanje, katerih vsebin si v novem letu želite več, po vrstnem redu odgovorili: osebnega stila, interierja, kolekcij. Vsekakor bo obseg objavljanja kolekcij ostal enak, se bomo pa potrudili uslišati vaše želje! Zato je tu že prva obsežna objava na temo osebnega stila, v kateri delim z vami svoje najljubše stajlinge v prazničnem decembru. Dnevni opravki, prosti čas na snegu, praznične večerje zunaj ter božična in novoletna druženja doma - tu je moj izbor mojih top 15 izgledov decembra 2021!


My dears!
In a recent poll conducted on our Instagram profile, when asked which content you want more in the new year, you answered in order: personal style, interior, collections. The scope of publishing the collections will definitely remain the same, but we will do our best to listen to your wishes! That is why here is the first extensive post on the topic of personal style, in which I share with you my favorite stylings for this past festive December. Daily errands, free time on the snow, festive dinners outside and Christmas and New Year gatherings at home - here is my selection and recap of my top 15 looks for December 2021!


LOOK no. 1:
THE LIE BY JPZ dress, belt, jacket & bag
PRADA boots

LOOK no. 2:
THE LIE BY JPZ blazer & shorts
GUCCI earrings

LOOK no.3: 
THE LIE BY JPZ beanie, fur vest, skirt & bag
FENDI sunnies
ZARA turtleneck
FIREFLY snow boots

LOOK no. 4:
THE LIE BY JPZ belt, belt bags & bag
YSL sunnies
PRADA boots
MANGO dress & teddy coat

LOOK no. 5:
THE LIE BY JPZ cape dress, gloves & bag
ZARA turtleneck

LE SILLA boots
GUCCI sunnies

LOOK no. 6:
THE LIE BY JPZ fur vest, skirt & bag
LE SILLA boots
ZARA turtleneck 
FENDI sunnies

LOOK no. 7:
THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown & necklace

LOOK no. 8:
THE LIE BY JPZ Lara's hat & coat
ZARA turtleneck 

LOOK no. 9:
THE LIE BY JPZ dress & corset belt

LOOK no. 10:
THE LIE BY JPZ choker necklace, top & skirt

LOOK no. 11:
THE LIE BY JPZ dress, belt, coat & bucket bag
YSL sunnies

LOOK no. 12:
THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown & bag

LOOK no. 13:
THE LIE BY JPZ skirt & sequinned bow
ZARA turtleneck

LOOK no. 14:
NEW YORKER sweater
ADIDAS pants
FENDI sunnies
GUCCI sneakers 

LOOK no. 15:
THE LIE BY JPZ jacket, fur vest & bag
NEW YORKER sweater
ADIDAS pants
HUGO BOSS beanie
SIMMI SHOES ankle boots
CELINE sunnies

Miss Earth SLO X THe Lie by JPZ October 02 2021, 0 Comments

Ponosna na projekt in predvsem dekleta - finalistke za @missearthslovenia ! Z največjim užitkom delim z njimi svoje znanje in izkušnje, mnenja in prepričanja. Ponosna sem, ko vidim njihov napredek in rast samozavesti! Ponosna, da lahko prehodim z njimi tisti del poti, ki jih vodi do najlepšega cilja-da postanejo samostojne, samozavestne in močne ženske! Danes se naša skupna pot v okviru projekta Miss Earth konča, ko bo okronana nova, že 15. Miss Earth Slovenije 2015! Na uradnih fotografijah so dekleta nosila @thelie_by_jpz večerne obleke in nakit.
FINALISTKE: Sara Cener, Asja Bonnie Pivk, Tadeja Kamenik, Maša Pučnik, Ana Elez Ćiković, Anita Švajger, Patricija Miklavžina, Eva Karin Potrč, Tinkara Vengust, Sara Horvat
Proud of the project and especially the girls - finalists for @missearthslovenia! It is my greatest pleasure to share my knowledge and experience, opinions and beliefs with them. I am proud to see their progress and self-confidence growth! Proud to be able to walk with them that part of the path that leads them to the most beautiful goal — to become independent, confident, and strong women! Today, our joint journey within the Miss Earth project ends, when the new 15th Miss Earth Slovenia 2015 will be crowned! In the official photos, the girls wore @thelie_by_jpz evening dresses and jewelry.
FINALISTS: Sara Cener, Asja Bonnie Pivk, Tadeja Kamenik, Maša Pučnik, Ana Elez Ćiković, Anita Švajger, Patricija Miklavžina, Eva Karin Potrč, Tinkara Vengust, Sara Horvat

The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL September 27 2021, 0 Comments

THE LIE BY JPZ poročni avantgardni stil vedno testira meje sodobnega sveta in retro pridiha v modnem dizajnu. Luksuzna The Lie by JPZ poročna linija je sinonim za drzne, seksi in moderne kroje, ki vsebuje sodobne in vintage materiale, ki subtilno vnaša v poročne kreacije pridih retro stila. Vse obleke so oblikovane in ročno izdelane v našem studiu.
Jernejin umetniški pristop k “high end” modi sedaj predstavlja tako imenovano “couture” stopnjo kvalitete. The lie by JPZ poročna obleka je tako (p)osebna, prepoznavna in drugačna od vse ostale ponudbe, da jo preprosto mora imeti vsaka nevesta, ki resnično ceni unikatno poročno obleko.
The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL je primerna za vsako nevesto - urbano, seksi, moderno, romantično ali klasično, kot tudi za njeno pričo, družice in cvetlične deklice. Polna domišljije, izbranih detajlov in romantike, The Lie by JPZ luksuzna POROČNA linija bo z vami na začetku vaše zakonske ljubezenske zgodbe točno tako, kot si zaslužite - v vsem svojem sijaju.
THE LIE BY JPZ bridal avant-garde style always tests the boundaries of the modern world and retro touches in fashion design. The luxurious The Lie by JPZ bridal line is synonymous with bold, sexy and modern cuts, containing modern and vintage materials that subtly bring a touch of retro style to wedding creations. All dresses are designed and handmade in our studio.
JPZ's artistic approach to "high end" fashion now represents the so-called "couture" level of quality. The lie by JPZ wedding dress is so personal, recognizable and different from all other offers that it must simply be worn by every bride who really appreciates a unique, one of a kind wedding gown.
The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL is suitable for every bride - urban, sexy, modern, romantic or classic, as well as for her maid of honor, bridesmaids and flower girls. Full of imagination, selected details and romance, The Lie by JPZ luxurious BRIDAL line will be with you at the beginning of your marital love story exactly as you deserve - in all its glory.

Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @lukabojanc
Hair by @kikihair_slo
Make up by @secretkeymakeup
Models: Julija Ivanović, Maša Gržinič, Lara Kramberger, Neja Krampl Mastnak

My Personal Style: Let's Start The Festive Season's OOTD's November 26 2020, 0 Comments

Can you imagine the holidays without the sparkle of lights? There'd be no magic! So shouldn't your holiday outfits shine just as bright? Here at The Lie by JPZ we definitely think so, which is why we encoruage you that this holiday season, despite all the madness happening around the world, give an extra attention to gorgeous looks that celebrate shimmer, glimmer and glamour. No matter if the celebrating at a glitzy event might not happen, enjoy creating and wearing beautiful looks even when moment has you decorating at home, exchanging gifts with loved ones or having a home party with those closest friends of yours! Ok, so are you now ready to get fabulously festive? Just let your imagination run wild, go for bold colors, crazy patterns, sequines, bows and velvet, dig into the festive season and enjoy it like never before! 



THE LIE BY JPZ pussy bow blouse, belt & bag
RAY BAN sunnies
TOP SHOP skirt

Small Clutch Matte Black With Golden Chain

Shop Chic Rebel Black Wide Belt


The Lie by JPZ FREEDOM Jewelry Collection April 25 2020, 0 Comments

The Lie by JPZ Freedom Jewelry collection is original, wearable and the one that takes your breath away. Unique, rebellious and chunky enough is giving a strong message without saying a word. Designed to give you strength, confidence and star appearance, Freedom jewelry collection pieces will always complete your daily or evening look. The perfect embodiment and new face of our campaign is singer Buryana.


SHOP Freedom Rhinestone Juliette Necklace

SHOP Freedom Coin Green Fringe Earrings Frida

SHOP Freedom Square Link Coin Neya Charm Bracelet 

SHOP Freedom Buryana Leather Choker

SHOP Freedom Domina Leather Choker

SHOP Freedom Drop Earrings Queen Aimee

SHOP Freedom Drop Earrings Queen Leah

SHOP Freedom Drop Earrings Queen Rhea

SHOP Freedom Drop Earrings Maya Gold

SHOP Freedom Drop Earrings Maya Silver

SPRING/SUMMER 2020 Dubai Editorial April 25 2020, 0 Comments

Situacija se počasi umirja in kmalu vam bo, drage moje, na voljo kolekcija za POMLAD/POLETJE 2020. Lansirana bo ta teden, do takrat pa za en velik predogled editorial iz Dubaja in 5 look-ov iz prihajajoce kolekcije, v katerih boste lahko zapeljevale to sezono!

The situation is slowly calming down and soon, my dear fashionistas, Spring / Summer 2020 collection will be available for you. It will be launched this week, but for an amazing sneak peak, here’s our Dubai editorial, featuring 5 stunning looks from the upcoming Spring/Summer collection in which you will be able to seduce this upcoming season!


Photo by Tibor Golob
Model: Sabisha
Hair & hair extensions: Kristijan Skamljič for KIKI HAIR SLO 
Make up: Anna Shevchenko
Location: Bab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa

My Personal Style (& Toughts): Friday Night Fever/Girls Just Wanna Have Fun March 21 2020, 0 Comments


Drage moje! V teh časih samoizolacije, ko nekateri živijo v strahu zaradi zdravja ali ekonomskih posledic, ki jih bo pustil vurus COVID-19, je še toliko bolj pomembno, da stopimo skupaj. Da smo prijazni drug do drugega bolj kot kdajkoli prej. Strpni. Ljubeči. Za kaj točno gre, kako zelo hudo je in kakšna (če sploh) teorija zarote je zadaj, ne vem. Vem pa, da je po bitki lahko biti general, medtem ko jih med bitko zmore biti le bore malo. Kakorkoli, ostanite zdravi in pazite nase kolikor se le da. 
Sem med tistimi redkimi srečnicami, ki ima kar nekaj izjemnih prijateljev in prijateljic okoli sebe... 
Zelo rade se družimo, če nam le čas dopušča in tokratna samoizolacija terja svoj davek tudi tu - da se s svojimi dragimi dekleti ne morem družiti, smejati, jeziti, jokati in preprosto biti jaz - v živo.
In tako me je delo na računalniku odneslo v mapo, ustvarjeno junija 2019, kjer so fotografije večera, preden je moja draga prijateljica Yovi rekla usodni DA! 
Pre-wedding party je potekal v prelepi hrvaški Opatiji. Dostikrat rada rečem da "friends that dress together, stay together". Tako večer kot priložnost sta bila popolna za dolge obleke The Lie by JPZ obleke, dopolnjene s pasovi in torbicami.

Minuli petek sva z mojo drago Natašo Godler iz NatashaSPAce Mediesthetic naredili Insta Live, kjer je bilo govora o garderobni omari, ureditvi le-te, kombiniranju barv, osnovnih kosih... Posnetek bo v kratkem naložen tudi na IGTV, da si ga boste tiste, ki ste zamudile predvsem prijeten ženski večer, lahko ogledale...
In ko smo pri prijetnih ženskih večerih... Drage moje, tiste, ki me spremljate, dobro veste, da vas dostikrat pozivam, da ne iščite izgovorv o tem, kako nimate priložnosti, da bi si oblekle dolgo obleko, nadele nakit in naličile svoj obraz. In sedaj, bolj kot kdajkoli prej, apeliram na vas - ustvarite si priložnost - in to DOMA! To počnete zase, za nikogar drugega, zato apeliram na vas, da si naslednji petek oblečete svojo najljubšo obleko, naredite svoj “killer” make up, zmešate svoje najljubše razmerje gin-a in tonic-a in preprosto uživate v tem, da ste - ŽENSKA!



In the middle of this health scare, more than ever let’s not forget to be kind to one another.
I was worried a bit whether I am not being too extra in these harsh times... But then I figured - f*ck that, I am an artist! And creating stuff for you guys is what I am and what defines me. And since I am not able to execute my usual creative processes, I decided this past Friday to do something different. Creatives are here to make people feel a little less alone, to distract and entertain, so I did my first Insta live with another amazing woman, incredible skin expert, Nataša Godler from NatashaSPAce Mediesthetic. 
I am one of those few lucky women who has some really great friends around...
We love to hang out whenever time allows us, and so the time of self-isolation requires a tax here too - that I cannot hang out with my dear girls, be crazy, laugh, be angry, cry, and simply be me - in person, just sitting next to each other.
And so, working on my computer took me to a folder with beautiful photos, created in June 2019, the night before my dear friend Yovi said I DO.
The pre-wedding party was held in beautiful Croatian saside city called Opatija. I often say "friends that dress together, stay together". Both the evening and the occasion were perfect for The Lie by JPZ long dresses, completed with our statement belts and handbags.
As mentioned before,  Natasha and I did Insta Live this past Friday, where we talked about the wardrobe, how to arrange it, how to combine colors and what are those basic pieces, every woman should have in her closet. It was a perfect Friday night fever, where girls just simply had - FUN.
My dear fashionistas, those of you who follow me, know very well that I often urge you not to look for excuses about not having the opportunity to put on a long dress, wear jewelry and do your glam make up. So now, even more than ever, I appeal to you - create the opportunity - at HOME! You do this for yourself, for no one else, so I urge you to wear your favorite dress next Friday, do your killer make up, prepare your favorite cocktail and just enjoy being - A WOMAN! Stay healthy, stay dafe and stay at home!



THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown, belt & bucket bag


THE LIE BY JPZ long summer dress, belt & straw bag


THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown & saddle bag


Happy Valentine's Day February 14 2020, 0 Comments

The Lie by JPZ nakit za izbrano, stilsko in izvirno darilo ob Valentinovem! Nakupuj TUKAJ.

The Lie by JPZ statement jewelry for the perfect Valentine’s gift! Shop HERE. 

Style Makers Rocking NY's PARTY Capsule Collection January 28 2020, 0 Comments

NY’s PARTY COLLECTION, ki smo jo decembra ustvarili in zajema tri različne tipe oblek za vsako priložnost, ujemajoč mošnjiček ter viseče uhane, je aktualna skozi vse leto, kar dokazujejo naše The Lie by JPZ “Stylemaker-ke”! Poglejte si le nekatere, ki so dobesedno zažigale v Neya, Yerneya in Pody Music oblekah! Hvala, drage naše! 
Mirjam Poterbin je blestela na 62. podelitvi Grammy nagrad v LA-ju minulo nedeljo, in sicer v modelu Yerneya, ki jo je dopolnila z ujemajočim mošnjičkom. Za enak model se je za odrski nastop na prireditvi Nogometne zveze Sloveije, decembra lani odločila tudi Natalija Verboten, ki je obleko dopolnila z visečimi uhani iz taiste kolekcije. Pevka Gaja Prestor se je v modelu obleke Yerneya, mošnjičku in uhanih, udeležila velikega dogodka v Cankarjevem domu. Pevka Nina Donelli je za enega svojih decembrskih nastopov izbrala model obleke Neya. V istem modelu je v Srbiji na novoletni zabavi navdušila Zvezdana Ristić. 
Pri The Lie by JPZ na leto lansiramo najmanj 2 kolekciji - za pomlad/poletje in jesen/zimo. V decembru 2019 smo naredili še božično kolekcijo večernih oblek, nato pa ji je sledila še novoletna. Delujemo po pristopu velikih modnih hiš iz tujine in tako svojim strankam skozi leto dejansko ponudimo širok nabor modelov oblek med katerimi lahko izbirajo, nato pa se obleka izdela po njihovih merah in z željenimi prilagoditvami. Imamo tudi stranke, ki želijo imeti popolnoma unikatne obleke. Večina pa sledi The Lie by JPZ trendom, modelom oblek, pasov in torbic, ki predstavljajo posamezno sezono oziroma kolekcijo pri blagovni znamki The Lie by JPZ in izbirajo znotraj njih. In s tem je naš namen, način našega dela, razmišljanja in koncepta blagovne znamke dosežen. Pokazati, kako lahko enak ali podoben model obleke čisto vsaka ženska nosi po svoje in ji doda svoj pečat- to je zame kot oblikovalko nekaj neprecenljivega in največje zadovoljstvo v celotnem procesu ustvarjanja ter doseganja ciljev in vizije Blagovne znamke The Lie by JPZ. 
Še enkrat, drage naše, hvala, ker vam je všeč, hvala, ker sledite, hvala, ker sprejmete, hvala, ker ste The Lie by JPZ ženske.

NY’s PARTY COLLECTION, which we launched in December and includes three different types of dresses for every occasion is suitable throughout the entire year, as shown by our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ “Stylemaker’s! Just look at the few of them, who were rocking events in Neya, Yerneya and Pody Music dresses. Thank you, dear ladies!

Mirjam Poterbin shone bright at the 62nd Grammy Awards in LA last Sunday, wearing Yerneya evening gown, complemented with a matching bucket bag. Natalija Verboten opted for Yerneya dress for her stage performance at the Slovene Football Association event last December, complementing it with drop earrings from the same collection. Singer Gaja Prestor attended a big business event in Yerneya dress, bucket bag and drop earrings. Singer Nina Donelli has chosen Neya dress for one of her concerts. In the same model, Zvezdana Ristic was shining bright at the New Year's party in Serbia.

At The Lie by JPZ, we launch at least 2 collections a year - spring / summer and fall / winter. In December 2019, we did a Christmas collection of evening gowns, followed by the New Year's Party Collection. We operate according to the approach of the big fashion houses, thus offering our clients a wide range of dress designs to choose from throughout the entire year, after which the dresses are custom made according to their measurments and desired adjustments. We also have clients who want to have completely unique outfits. Most, however, follow The Lie by JPZ trends and designs of dresses, belts and handbags that represent the individual season or collection at The Lie by JPZ and make choices within them. And with that, our purpose, the way we work, our thinking and our brand concept is achieved. Demonstrating how the same or a similar model of a dress can be worn by different wemen, adding their own personal impact to my creations - this to me as a designer is something invaluable and the greatest pleasure in the whole process of creating and achieving the goals and vision within The Lie by JPZ brand.

Again, our dear ones, thank you for believeing, thank you for following, thank you for accepting, thank you for being The Lie by JPZ women.

Thank you, dear ladies!


My Personal Style: Black Textures For The Last Day of 2019 December 31 2019, 0 Comments

As we turn our backs to 2019, here's one last personal style of the ending year. All about black textures and retro feels. Rushing to get all the NY's presents ready, hoe about you?
Wishing you an amazing celebration!


Photo by Tibor Golob


THE LIE BY JPZ skirt, cape, gloves & shopper bag
GUCCI earrings

The Lie by JPZ NY's PARTY Collection December 14 2019, 0 Comments

V tokratnem decembru smo pri The Lie by JPZ za naše zveste stranke ustvarili posebno, tako imenovano "capsule" kolekcijo, v omejeni količini, zato pohitite za svoje "ubijalske" novoletne kombinacije. V njej najdete najbolj bistvene kose, ki vam bodo omogočili, da zablestite na vsakem tipu zabave: tri obleke, ujemajoč mošnjiček in zlate viseče uhane. Spoznajte novoletne obleke Neya, Yerneya in Pody Music obleke.

This December, The Lie by JPZ created for our faithful clients a special NY's capsule collection. This limited edition collection features the most essential pieces you'll need this party season. Essentially a condensed version of JPZ’s vision, the collection gives you three different dresses you'll impress in on every type of party you are going to attend, bucket bag and statement earrings to complement each of the style you choose. Get ready to sparkle all night long with our selection of NY's Party Collection dresses. Meet Neya, Yerneya & Pody Music dresses.


SLO: Oblecite se, da boste impresionirale in sledite naši formuli za uspeh: drapirana in popolno objemajoča Pody obleka je ekstremno šik in seksi, hkrati pa oddaja tisto kul "briga me" sporočilo. Ravno zaradi tega boste zadele žebljico na glavico, če boste zraven obule bulerje, zato je Pody obleka popolna izbira za preplesan žur do zgodnjih jutranjih ur.

ENG: Dress to impress and follow our formula to success: drapped and perfectly tailored Pody dress is extremely chic, stylish and sexy, yet at the same time has a message of "I don't care" attitude. This dress is perfectly styled with chunky combat boots and therfore THE dress to dance the night away in it.


SLO: Luksuzna večerna obleka Yerneya z napihnjenim rokavom in visokim razporkom vam zagotova omogočila, da boste izstopale iz množice na čisto vsaki gala ali "black tie" novoletni zabavi. Klasična, pa vendar urbana, elegantna in hkrati drzna, je Yerneya obleka tista, ki vas bo naredila zvezdo večera kamorkoli se boste odpravile.

ENG: This magnificent mermaid style Yerneya dress with puffed sleeve will definitely make you stand out from the crowd on every gala or black tie New Yers's eve event. This gown will surely make you wear sequins unexpectedly and will make you the star of the night wherever you go. 


SLO: Kratka Neya obleka z luksuznimi rokavi je bila ustvarjena za vse "cocktail" dogodke in večerje, ki jih imate na vašem decemberskem urniku. Ta mini obleka z drapiranim zgornjim delom in voluminoznimi rokavi vam bo zagotovila tisti "wow" efekt izgled za ultimativni decembrski vtis. 

ENG: Our short Neya dress with luxuriously puffed sleeves was designed for all those cocktail and dinner parties on your agenda in December. This mini dress with drapped top will definitely give you an on point look for the ultimate statement.

The Lie by JPZ Christmas Collection December 04 2019, 0 Comments

Step into Christmas fairy tale as The Lie by JPZ presents CHRISTMAS collection. This Christmas, The Lie by JPZ woman adorns herself in luxurious volumes and shapes. She is a portrait of elegance in seductive red and green, possessing a strong feminine attitude and complementing her look with iconic bucket bag and statement earrings. In timeless velvet for the refined and romantic woman, explore the most awaited time of the year.


Campaign shot by Tibor Golob
Ad campaign video director Srečko Turek - Felix Foxx
Hair by Kristijan Skamljič - Kiki Hair

Oldtimer by Robert Zupančič, RHI d.o.o.
Starring Danijela Burjan, Nika Krmec, Laura Škvorc, JPZ
Santa Claus Luka Luka Simšič

My Personal Style: Belt Bags & Bomber Jackets 24:7 For Every Occasion December 01 2019, 0 Comments

Whether you call it a fanny pack or belt bag or moon bag or belly bag or bum bag - the truth of the matter is they've made it's major comeback and found the way to your sportiest and chicest looks! Yes, you can and should wear them all the time (not to mention the bonus of being hands-free!). Same goes for the bomber jacket - this sporty and diverse piece (that you can find in our latest collection in a very chic version) has now become a focal point of elegant looks - and we are loving it!



THE LIE BY JPZ pleated skirt, bomber jacket & belt bag
H&M shirt
YSL sunnies
JIMMY CHOO sandals

My Personal Style: Red Tartan to Start Festive December November 28 2019, 0 Comments

Let's admit - we all had a tartan dress or skirt when we were 5 years old! And then again when we were 15, going through a pop-punk style phase.  However, there are plenty of ways to wear red plaid that feel downright timeless. It's a must have in every closet, especially now, when festive december is just around the corner and you can have so much fun creating chic and stylish looks with it.  There are plenty of ways to wear the festive fabric without looking like a holiday postcard - style it with jeans pants, leather jacket, wool coat and white shirt or go bold as I love to do and match it with another tartan in different color. Remember - just have fun with it!


Photo by Tibor Golob


THE LIE BY JPZ tartan jacket (and surronded by an orange drum bag, belt bag & backpack)
H&M tartan pants
J CREW earrings

My Personal Style: Fall Ready With The Lie by JPZ Bomber Jackets For HER & HIM November 05 2019, 0 Comments


Zakorakali smo v deseto leto blagovne znamke The Lie by JPZ in s tem prihaja veliko novosti! Dolgo ste vzpodbujali, si želeli in - mi smo vas slišali! Predstavljamo vam The Lie by JPZ moško linijo, najprej z omejeno izdajo moških bomberjev, ki se ujemajo z njenim najljubšim bomberjem.


We have stepped into the 10th year of The Lie by JPZ, and with that comes many novelties! You have long encouraged, desired and - we listened! We are introducing The Lie by JPZ Men's Line, first with a limited edition of men's bomber jackets, that match her favorite The Lie by JPZ bomber!


Photo by Tibor Golob


THE LIE BY JPZ bomber jackets

My Personal Style: Halloween Sugar Skull Bride November 03 2019, 0 Comments

Like I wrote in the previous post, I love dressing up for Halloween and Carnival, so I use every opportunity I get! This year, we attended two Halloween parties, on 30th and 31st of October, so I got the chance to create two looks. The theme of the first one was black and for a fun twist, I decided to create a bunny sugar skull. So, for the second, I wanted a lot of color. I decided to become a Sugar Skull Bride, so The Lie by JPZ luxurious red gown and veil from our bridal collection became were perfect to create my look. I added a crown, a lot of flowers, cross earrings and a bucket bag and - I was ready to dance the night away.



THE LIE BY JPZ gown from bridal collection & bucket bag

My Personal Style: BOO October 31 2019, 0 Comments

"I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" said Wednesday Adams and I have to say I quite agree with her. You just can't go wrong with black. And since I love dressing up for Halloween, but want to stay stylish at the same time, our The Lie by JPZ black sequined evening gown from holiday collection became the perfect choice for this year's Bunny Sugar Skull Halloween look.
Trick or treat? Happy Halloween to you all!!


Photo by Tibor Golob


THE LIE BY JPZ sequined gown & bucket bag
J.CREW earrings

My personal style: Conquering Hollywood In The Lie by JPZ Pink Bridal Gown October 18 2019, 0 Comments

Just checking in from the USA, where I am conquering LA in The Lie by JPZ pink lace gown from our BRIDAL collection. HOLLYWOOD sign is one of the world's most evocative symbols – a universal metaphor for ambition, success, glamour. And, therefore the perfect background for this magnificent gown.



THE LIE BY JPZ pink lace gown from BRIDAL collection & 14K gold ring bracelet

The Lie by JPZ Bridal October 13 2019, 0 Comments

Jernejin poročni avantgardni stil vedno testira meje sodobnega sveta in retro pridiha v modnem dizajnu. Luksuzna The Lie by JPZ poročna linija je sinonim za drzne, seksi in moderne kroje, ki vsebuje “vintage” materiale in retro stil. Poleg tega, da so vse obleke oblikovane in izdelane v našem studiu, Jerneja P. Zhembrovskyy Music vedno tudi osebno bdi nad samim procesom izdelave, hkrati pa celo sama ročno šiva še zadnje detajle na vsako poročno obleko. 

Jernejin umetniški pristop k “high end” modi sedaj predstavlja tako imenovano “couture” stopnjo kvalitete po cenah, ki so sicer bližje tistim iz masovne produkcije. The lie by JPZ poročna obleka je tako posebna, prepoznavna in drugačna od vse ostale ponudbe, da jo preprosto mora imeti vsaka nevesta, ki resnično ceni unikatno poročno obleko. 

Nova Jernejina umetnina, The Lie by JPZ POROČNA KOLEKCIJA, je primerna za vsako nevesto - urbano, seksi, moderno, romantično ali klasično, kot tudi za njeno pričo, družice in cvetlične deklice. Polna domišljije, izbranih detajlov in romantike, The Lie by JPZ luksuzna POROČNA linija bo z vami na začetku vaše zakonske ljubezenske zgodbe.


JPZ’s bridal avant-garde design style is always testing the barriers and boundaries of the modern world and retro style of fashion design. Luxury The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL line is synonym for bold, sexy and modern fit that incorporates vintage materials and retro styles. Aside from designing all the collections at the fashion house, Jerneja P. Zhembrovskyy Music oversees the entire production processes in her studio as well as working by herself on each and every gown with her own hands for the final touches. 

JPZ’s artistic approach to high-end fashion is now presenting a couture level of quality, in retail prices that are closer to those of mass production brands. The Lie by JPZ wedding dresses are so unique and distinguished from anything else out there, that every bride to be, who truly appreciates unique wedding gown, simply needs to have it.

The new masterpiece bridal couture collection is perfect for urban, sexy, modern, romantic or classical bride and her entire entourage - maid of honour, bridesmaids and flower girls. Full of awe, imagination, attention to detail and romance, The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL luxury line is set to take you on an incredible love story.

Ad campaign shot by TIBOR GOLOB 



Location SNG Maribor

Femme Fatale 2018 October 09 2019, 0 Comments

10 years ago, I became Femme Fatale Slovenia 2009. Last year and this year, I was attending it not only as a guest, but as a dress designer for Femme Fatale candidate. Last year I was creating for actress Gorka Berden and she was shining bright in The Lie by JPZ custom colorful sparkling evening gown. This year, my creation was wearing my dear gorgeous Natalija Verboten, who also won the nomination and became Femme Fatale 2019! STAY TUNED to see her creation and the entire The Lie by JPZ army attending this wonderful red carpet event, organized by Revija Avenija.


My Personal Style: Fun Look For A Fun Day September 29 2019, 0 Comments

Do you ever like to dress for the occasion? I do! Trip to Italy? Let's get dressed in red and green (the Italian flag is white, green & red) and add some fun accessory such as this super cute The Lie by JPZ Celeste Quartissima Mini Clasp bag with a strawberry from our latest FW 19/20 collection. For a fun look and a fun day.



THE LIE BY JPZ coin bracelet & mini clasp bag (both from FW 19/20 collection)
CHLOE sunnies
NEW YORKER sweater

The Lie by JPZ Fall Winter 2019/2020 FREEDOM Collection September 18 2019, 0 Comments




the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants; having the ability to act or change without constraint

the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved – by other party, or YOURSELF




The Lie by JPZ Fall Winter 2019/2020 Collection FREEDOM looks reveal a sophisticated take on everyday clothing.

This time we give you a collection with a strong, yet extremely chic sportswear sense. Wintry inspirations are infused with rich, dramatic textures and contrasting tones, giving you the FREEDOM to create amazing contrasts. You take a dress, a pleated skirt, a bomber jacket, a ruffle coat, a trouser, a bustier or a fur jacket and then you layer them as you like, mixing Japanese cherry blossoms with checks & stripes, or leopard with houndstooth, traditional couture-ish textiles and new metallic materials, historically girlish gestures (flowers, princessy bodice lines and sequins) and dude-like signatures (bomber jackets, exacting tailoring, oversized patches). There’s a playfulness to the entire collection with a strong elegance. It’s modern, for one thing, and respectful of a woman’s busy life. It’s seductive. It’s strong. It’s elegant. It’s sexy. It’s FREEDOM.


Campaign shot by Tibor Golob
Assistant, add campaign video director Srečko Turek - Felix Foxx
Hair by Kristijan Skamljič - Kiki Hair
Make up by Gaja Prestor
Location Kolibri Bar Ljubljana
Starring Danijela Burjan, Gaja Prestor, Tadeja Pavlič, Laura Škvorc, Kaja Vidmar

My Personal Style: Fall Sporty Layers September 14 2019, 0 Comments

That chilly early fall mornings that transfer into warm afternoons... Calm and extremely beautiful, surrounded by nature in warm fall colors. And, also, the perfect time of the year for some serious layering. Coordinating leather, silk, lace and velvet with wool chunky knits being thrown into the mix for some warm texture. And while the instinct to wear tons of clothes is a natural reaction to the weather, expert layering is way easier said than done. Nonstrategic layering can quickly lead to sloppy, bulky puff, so always make sure: while layering, keep your bottom clothes tight and fit, since layered upper clothes will probably make you wider in your upper part of the body. Also - adding beautifully tailored coat on top of layers will do the trick and make you look sleek & chic. Add a fun fall bag and you are good to go enjoying fall weekend looking stylish while keeping warm in the early mornings and evenings when the temperatures get chilly.


Photo by Tamara Vidmar


THE LIE BY JPZ coat & bag
GUCCI sunnies
UGG boots

My Personal Style: Last Vacation Day Look September 13 2019, 0 Comments

So, here's my last vacation day seaside look, holding on to a bikini, styled with jeans shorts and chic The Lie by JPZ beach bag, since I just really did not want to say goodbye to free and relaxed summer days (obviously). Summer was good and now full of energy and with full towards crazy busy September.



THE LIE BY JPZ beach bag
GUCCI sunnies

The Lie by JPZ Spring/Summer 2019 La Vie en Rose. Et Vert. Collection LOOKBOOK September 05 2019, 0 Comments


Carefully chosen precious fabrics, sophisticated colour tones and prints, great cuts and eye catching finishing touches. For Women who are not afraid to stand out and express themselves with personal style, who are unmistakably stylish and who love to be noticed for their impeccable taste.
Everything in The Lie by JPZ spring/summer 2019 collection - from the super breezy skirts, romantic dresses, edgy belts and trendy hats to the super luxurious bags, embellished with magnificent hardware or softened with natural wood – will have you dreaming of walking on Mediterranean streets and squares, eating dinner al fresco and stopping to smell the roses. Lace is no longer a lunching lady, and now has “down with the kids” aspirations in a form of long boho dress or that perfect 24/7 mini skirt. Not to mention all that divine stripes, snakeskin, leopard and flower patterns. We’ve injected some drama with green sequins, fringes and feathers and created SS collection, in which you can find the chicest cozy, the coolest business, the sexiest cocktail or the dreamiest evening look. The Lie by JPZ Spring Summer 2019 La Vie en Rose. Et Vert. collection is yet again a fusion of edgy, bohemian, romantic, classic & urban.


Lookbok shot by Tibor Golob
Model Laura Škvorc

My Personal Style: Summer Nights September 02 2019, 0 Comments

Salty hair, ripped jeans, fun sunnies, tons of jewels & a straw bag. Yes, that’s my seaside summer evening uniform. hey, what more do you need? Even though I am a "complex outfit junkie", I just love love love simple outfits while vacationing at the seaside. You know - you can always spice them up with fun accessories.



THE LIE BY JPZ straw bag
YSL sunnies

My Personal Style: Mermaid Moment August 11 2019, 0 Comments


V kar resnično verjamem in kar lahko potrdijo tudi moje zveste stranke, je, da bi vsaka ženska, vsaj enkrat na leto morala obleci dolgo večerno obleko. Zakaj? Ker si to zasluži(mo)jo. Ni priložnosti? Ustvarite jo. Oblačite se za sebe in naj ne bo nič drugače, ko pridemo do glamuroznih večernih oblek. 
Tokrat delim z vami ta prekrasen editorial, ki sva ga s fotografinjo Majo Waiss ustvarili sredi Jadrana. Dobesedno. Lila čipkasta obleka z lahkotno svileno vlečko iz The Lie by JPZ poročne kolekcije je bila izvrstna izbira za ta pravljični editorial in moj "mermaid" (morska deklica) moment. Več o moji strasti do ustvarjanja večernih look-ov pa si lahko preberete tudi v včerajšnji objavi.


What I truly believe in, and can be confirmed by my loyal customers, is that every woman, at least once a year, should wear a long evening gown. Why? Because she (we) deserves to. No opportunity? Create it. You are dressing up for yourself and let it be no different when it comes to glamorous evening wear.
This time I am sharing with you this wonderful editorial created by amazing photographer Maja Waiss in the middle of the Adriatic sea. Literally. The lilac lace dress with a light silk chiffon train from The Lie by JPZ wedding collection was the perfect choice for this magical editorial and my mermaid moment. You can read more about my passion for creating evening looks and all the behind-the-scenes that come with it in yesterday's post.


Photo by Maja Waiss


THE LIE BY JPZ lace gown with chiffon train from Bridal Collection

Meet The Lie By JPZ Stylemakers vol. 4 The Red Carpet - Femme Fatale 2018, Story Magazine 10 YEARS & Žarometi 2019 August 10 2019, 0 Comments


Creating looks for the red carpet events is always exciting. But before the public’s attention turns to who wore what or who wore it best, there’s an entire process and many styling secrets behind-the-scenes that go into creating those spotlight-worthy gala looks.
When a celebrity steps onto the red carpet, don’t be deceived by their seemingly effortless demeanour. That ensemble - dress, accessories, jewellery, shoes, hair and make-up included - is the culmination of weeks, or sometimes months, of preparation. Usually, I have an idea that it’s not going to be just one, so I need to have a build-up situation. Who is a woman I am creating a gala look for, what is she doing, what she likes, what she wants to represent and what she wants to say. To me, it also matters how someone poses in a particular look. It makes the photos and of course the dress looks better, which is quite important.
I wrote about this already in a previous post - there’s so much that fashion can do and say - it sends messages. I want the public to like them and to make them seem accessible, despite the glamorous appearance.
Sometimes, my brand and client just click, and it’s a thing where the brand fit and aesthetic just happens to work on the client season after season.
My aim is to help my clients feel beautiful, comfortable and secure and help elevate who they already are. I want my clients to feel confident and have fun and that’s exactly how I want to feel, when wearing an evening gown. That is how that eventual sense of effortlessness is achieved.
Spotted hitting the red carpet of Slovenian media award Žarometi 2019, Femme Fatale 2018 and 10th anniversary of Story magazine, were also our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ Style Makers! Check them out and take a look at what were they wearing!


Ustvarjati obleke in celotni izgled za rdečo preprogo ali gala dogodke je vedno vznemirljivo. Vendar preden se pozornost javnosti osreotoči na to, kaj je kdo oblekel in kako je obleko nosil, se odvija zanimiv proces, poln stilskih skrivnosti in podrobnosti, ki je potreben za končni "gala look".
Ko ženska stopi na rdeče preprogo, naj vas ne zavede njena sproščenost in občutek, da se je v tej obleki verjetno rodila in jo je zato do današnjega dne osvojila. Obleka, dodatki, nakit, čevlji, frizura in make up - vse to je rezultat več dnevnega, tedenskega ali včasih celo mesečnega dela in priprav. Ko ustvarjam izgled za stranko, upoštevam več dejavnikov - kdo je, kaj počne, česa si želi v življenju, kaj ima rada, kaj želi predstavljati in kaj želi povedati. Pomembno mi je tudi, kako oseba pozira in hodi v oblki - vse to je pomembno in zaželjeno za dober končni rezultat - vtis, ki ga naredi na dogodku in fotografije. Moda in stil lahko res naredita veliko - z modo in posledično s svojim stilom okolici veliko sporočate.
Ko ustvarjam obleke in dodatke, torej končni izgled za svoje stranke, zvezde, znanke, prijateljice, mi je pomembno, da ostanem zvesta ne le sebi, temveč tudi njim. Ujeti harmonijo mojega stila in mojega poslanstva s stilom, karakterjem in poslanstvom osebe, za katero ustvarjam. Želim, da so še vedno dostopne, glamurozni opravi navkljub.
Moja naloga je, da jim pomagam, da se počutijo še lepše, varne, da jim je udobno in lahko še bolj izrazijo to, kar v resnici so. Želim, da so samozavestne, hkrati pa se tudi zabavajo - ko ustvarjam za njih, upoštevam vse te dejavnike. Kajti taiste dejavnike upoštevam tudi, kadar ustvarjam zase. 
Poglejte si "looke", ki sem jih ustvarila za rdeče preproge letošnjih Žarometov, Femme Fatale 2018, in 10. obletnico revijo Story.


My Personal Style: Do Not Disturb Mode Or A Statement Straw Hat August 05 2019, 0 Comments

You are actually saying a lot with what you wear to people around you. By wearing oversized sunglasses and hats you are giving (consciously or subconsciously) the message that you do not want to be disturbed. And I definitely don't like to be disturbed while vacationing, so thank god that straw hats - the bigger, the better -  are a summer! Designed to protect the head from the sun and against heatstroke, straw hats have become also the ultimate decorative element of a summer uniform. Our The Lie by JPZ straw hats are custom made and here's an interesting fact: it takes approximately 5 hours to make the one I am wearing on these pictures. The bigger the brim, the more hours and people it takes to make one!


Photo by Maja Waiss


THE LIE BY JPZ 14K gold body chain, bucket bag & straw hat
FENDI sunnies
NEW YORKER bikini top
OYSHO bikini bottom

My Personal Style: When In Valpolicella August 03 2019, 0 Comments

Weekend getaways for my soul are always those to Italy. It’s been a while since I watched Aida in Arena di Verona, so I wanted to see Carmen this year and decided, not to stay in the city centre of Verona, but in the middle of the Valpolicella wine-growing area in a beautiful B&B called Corte Jago.
Featuring a garden with BBQ facilities and saltwater pool, Corte Jago offers very nice rooms in rustic Tuscan style. The property also has free WiFi, a table tennis and a shared kitchen. Mixing modern design with wood-beamed ceilings and traditional rustic style, there’s also an amazing garden to relax and smell the flowers and spices. Oh, and the first one to welcome you at the property is the nicest dog I’ve ever met, Bruna.

Corte Jago is the perfect place to relax, visit Enoteca della Valpolicella with the most amazing handmade ravioli with truffles for amazing dining experience and to reach the city centre in only 20minute drive.
Beautiful garden scenery at Corte Jago was just perfect for some retro relaxed look, including this gorgeous bucket bag, agree? The bucket bag climbed the ranks of handbag fame many many years ago. But here at The Lie by JPZ we're hesitant to give up on the roomy style just yet. Reworked in fun materials, bold hardware, and more genius upgrades, our bucket bag proves its lasting power. Big enough to fit all of your on-the-go needs, this fall you’ll be bound to find the perfect The Lie by JPZ bucket bag that fits your style perfectly. 



THE LIE BY JPZ skirt & bucket bag
CHLOE sunnies
GUCCI sandals

My Personal Style: Leopard Forever July 30 2019, 0 Comments

By now, you guys know that I am always pattern & color obsessed and right now, the leopard is finding it's way back to my wardrobe! Leopard is having a moment this season, so there are plenty of pretty leopard pieces to choose from. You have to be careful when mixing different leopard prints together, but when done well, you really get an urban and edgy look!
From the catwalk to covers, rock stars to First Ladies, the enduring appeal of fashion's most powerful print is not going anywhere. It symbolizes power, glamour and something a little wild. It makes you feel empowered and just a little bit dangerous. 


Photo by Maja Waiss


THE LIE BY JPZ 14K gold body chain, link choker, silk scarf & bucket bag
FENDI sunnies

My Personal Style: Beach Bag To Make A Statement July 28 2019, 0 Comments

I admit - I tend to be heavy packer. What can I say - I love options. But, when packing for a sailing trip, I always go for essential, yet statement pieces. Packing right is a bit of a learning process and after a while, well, everybody learns the skill. On my countless trips to the sea-side I noticed that I keep wearing the same things over and over again (especially while on the boat, where you spend most of your day on the sea and get off the boat mostly in the evening for a delicious dinner). So, what are they? Well, a good bikini is a must, a statement bag which you can wear to the beach and beyond, some beautiful jewelry, pretty sunglasses and a beautiful cover-up you can dress up and down. 
This The Lie by JPZ stripped cotton beauty with bamboo handles surely is a show stopper during day and night! The stripes in summer are just simply a must to any wardrobe. First, they look great against tanned skinned, but also, they are easy to style. Basically, you can pair them with everything, from brights and neutrals to prints for a more bold and fun look.


Photo by Maja Waiss


THE LIE BY JPZ 14K gold body chain & beach bag

My Personal Style: The Lie by JPZ Summer Musts June 11 2019, 0 Comments

Chic and stylish, to me, these 3 pieces are the essential summer beach staples every wardrobe needs this season: first, is of course a straw bag. This season, it’s all about the mini, so go get yourself a mini straw bag, which makes a perfect summer accessory; from daily outfits to beach looks, you just have to style it with everything! The second is body chain. Though I am a big fan of jewelry in general, in summer I just can’t get enough of body jewelry that adorns body parts which can't be exposed in colder days. So good with crop top, deep V neck dresses and of course your favourite swimsuit, sexy body chain gives you the perfect summery vibe. And the third - hand chain.  Adorn your body with all-too-alluring and luxuriously sexy The Lie by JPZ 14K gold body jewelry and be the beach goddess you deserve!



THE LIE BY JPZ 14K gold body chain, 14K gold hand chain & straw bag
CELINE sunnies
NEW YORKER bikini top
OYSHO bikini bottom
HERMES sandals

SHOP 14K Gold Body Chain              SHOP Straw Bag                               SHOP 14K Gold Hand Chain

My Personal Style: Perugia/Italian Days Part 2 May 12 2019, 0 Comments

Ahhh, Perugia. Beautiful Perugia, with outstanding views, famous Perugina factory and delicious Baci chocolate. Despite the April weather in May (from sun, to rain & wind), time spent in this magnificent city truly is a food for your soul. And - mentioning the food - the best homemade pasta (pici or strangozzi), you'll find in Loft cafe and restaurant, just 20 meters away from the main square Piazza IV Novembre towards Piazza Italia. 
So - putting comfort first - for a sightseeing I always go for comfortable looks. I start with sneakers and (most often in spring and summer) sport pants and then I am building up the look with statement pieces, until the final result is CHIC. Amazing bag, jewelry and sunglasses are always a must when transforming a casual look to something extra. 



NEW YORKER sweater
FENDI sunnies
Vintage jacket
ADIDAS pants
GUCCI sneakers

My Personal Style: When In Riga With Baker Boy (Hat) April 16 2019, 0 Comments

Whether you call it a baker boy hat, newsboy cap or a bandit cap (I kind of like this one the most haha), the early 20th century head-topper has had a major fashion resurgence. Hollywood A-listers and runway walkers alike have adorned the hat last year and it looks like they aren't going anywhere in the near future.

And with the winter months rolling out, give your beanie a break and give baker boy hats a spin! As you may know, I am all about accessories and hats are an important part of this category. For my last trip to Riga, Latvia, I decided for a beautiful textured all black look (just take a look at this stunning dress from our FW 18/19 collection and fur trimmed black coat from FW 15/16 collection) and decided to give it a pop of color and a sprinkle of fun with indigo blue baker boy hat and a matching cross body bag. Are we on the same page here, that this hat-outfit combination is just a total win in our books?



THE LIE BY JPZ coat, dress, coin bracelet, cross body bag & baker boy hat
CHANEL brooch
LESILLA over the knee boots

My Personal Style: 70's Style Goddess April 15 2019, 0 Comments

Who else loves turning into past and creating chic retro inspired looks? Just being able to choose the best from certain eras and present it in your own way today, in 21st century. That's why we love fashion, right? just being able to express ourselves in every possible way - that's what fashion gives us.



THE LIE BY JPZ pants, turtleneck, jacket & bracelet bag
CHLOE sunnies

My Personal Style: Sundays in Madrid April 14 2019, 0 Comments

Sunny Spanish Sundays in Madrid and The Lie by JPZ long flowy summer dress = PERFECT COMBINATION! Just quickly checking in from warm and beautiful Madrid. Can't wait for the warm temperatures to really hit in so we can throw on a long statement dress and look fabulous without much effort! Do you feel me, ladies?



THE LIE BY JPZ dress, 14K gold ring bracelet & straw bag
CELINE sunnies
RENINI sandals

My Personal Style: Death Valley & Black Textures April 13 2019, 1 Comment

Beautiful Californian sun, gorgeous views and hot sand... So much beauty for one to experience in one of the hottest places in the world. I never get tired of this picturesque drive from Las Vegas, Nevada, through Death Valley towards the most amazing mountains in Mammoth Lakes, California. Whenever you get the chance, try it, you won’t regret it, I promise!

Regarding this three piece look - I love mixing & matching in all the aspects, so when designing, I always use the opportunity to have a creation made from singular pieces. This way, I give you the opportunity to wear them in several looks and have lots of fun and creative moments with them!



THE LIE BY JPZ top, skirt, chiffon train skirt, 14K gold ring bracelet & belt
JIMMY CHOO sandals

Odkrito o poroki na poročnem seminarju LUKA & BEN wedding planning March 02 2019, 0 Comments

Drage moje!

Biti oblikovalka, ki izdeluje oblačila po meri, pomeni, da imam z vsako stranko zelo tesen in oseben stik. In ključno je, da se v tem odnosu razvije medsebojno zaupanje in odkritost. Tokrat bom govorila ODKRITO O POROKI za vse bodoče neveste & ženine v sodelovanju z LUKA & BEN WEDDING PLANNING na seminarju, ki bo potekal v hotelu InterContinental v Ljubljani, 6. &. 7. marca. O poroki bomo spregovorili brez dlake na jeziku. Zakaj imeti unikatno poroko? Zakaj je pomembno na prvo mesto postaviti kvaliteto in drugačnost? Vse o tem vam bosta zaupala Luka in Ben, ki sta bila tudi moja poročna planerja in ki bi ju izbrala za to posebno priložnost vedno znova in znova.
Moja malenkost pa vam bo iz prve roke ( zakaj iz prve roke? Ker sem poskrbela že za lepo število unikatnih poročnih oblek za moj nevesto ter njihovo spremstvo - družice in cvetlične deklice in seveda zato, ker sem bila tudi sama pred kratkim nevesta!) predstavila razloge, zakaj je pomembno imeti unikatno poročno obleko, ki je izdelana po meri in - samo vaša. Ker v to resnično in z vsem srcem verjamem in, saj veste, kaj pravijo: "practise what you preach"!

Odgovorili bomo na vsa vaša vprašanja in vas popeljali v svet porok, drugače, po naše. Ker si to zaslužite.

Ker verjamemo v drugačnost, unikatnost in butičnost, pravzaprav delamo to kar delamo. Z vso strastjo in vsem srcem. Luka Mirjan simšič in Benjamin Bastien Kračun odita v mojem življenju med tiste srčne ljudi, ki jih imam neizmerno rada, hkrati pa me tudi inspirirata in pri kreativnem poklicu je obdanost s takšnimi ljudmi sila pomembna. Njun pristop k poroki je tako oseben, kot zasnova poročnih oblek za moje neveste, zato sem se z veseljem odzvala njunemu povabilu za sodelovanje na njunem poročnem seminarju.

In naj odkrito o poroki spregovorim tudi na mojem blogu, drage moje zveste bralke in stranke. Roko na srce - v kolikor sodite med tiste, ki si želite imeti vaš poročni dan speljan na najvišjem možnem nivoju, boste za to morali odšteti kar nekaj denarja. In moje prepričanje je, da pri vseh stroških, ki jih poroka prinese, obleke ne bi smeli smatrati kot "tisti nepotreben strošek - obleko si bom raje kar sposodila, saj jo bom imela samo enkrat". Ja, drži, srčno upam ( pa verjetno ne l jaz, temveč tudi ve in vaši ženini ) da boste poročno obleko imeli samo enkrat in takrat si zaslužite, da je ta obleka samo vaša, izdelana po meri, prilagojena vaši postavi, vašim željam, temi in barvi poroke! To je vaš dan in enkratna priložnost, da na ta dan ne razvajate le svojih gostov, temveč tudi sebe!
Sama sem v to prepričanje tako zelo verjela, da sem imela skupno pet oblek. Kako je do tega prišlo? Delno, ker se nisem mogla odločiti, kakšen kroj bi imela ter delno zaradi programa poroke in vseh aktivnosti, kajti vseeno sem želela, da mi bo udobno in bom lahko brezskbno preplesala noč. A vse potrobnosti o moji poroki bom nekoč zapisala novi blog objavi.  
Na slikah spodaj vidite obleko, ki sem jo nosila na predporočni večer ali na tako imenovani "reherseal dinner". Sem ljubiteljica večernih oblek, veliko jih nosim, zato sevea ni bilo dileme, da bo obleke za ta dogodek dolga. Hkrati sem želela, da je, kot že sama večerja, tudi obleka uvod v moj poročni dan. Zato sem se oločila za belo barvo in čipkast zgornji del, belino pa sem nato razbila in obleki dodala nekaj ostrine s črnim žametnim pasom. Je bil le predporočni večer in popolnoma bela sem želela biti na obredu.
Več fotografij iz tega večera si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.

Vedno bolj pogosto se srečujem z nevestami, ki si želijo imeti svojo poročno obleko v drugi barvi, kot beli. Takrat se najprej pogovorimo, ali bi morda bilo vseeno smiselno imeti na obredu belo in željo po barvni obleki potešimo z drugo obleko, v kater se nevesta preoblečese za rajanje. V tem primeru, obleko primerno prilagodim plesanju - verjemite mi - tudi v dolgi obleke vam je lahko udobno in v njej preplešete celo noč! Takšna nevesta je bila Lea, ki se je po obredni beli obleki preoblekla v črno. Brez vlečke, spredaj malo krajša ( kar zaradi modela obleke in aplikacij iz tila tega sploh ni bilo moč opaziti ) in v črni barvi je tako brezskrbno preplesala svojo poročno noč. Polona pa je bila tista drzna nevesta, ki je imela na svoji poroki rdeče poudarke in si je zaželela tudi rdečo obleko. Za obredni del je imela dodano še bogato krilo iz tila, ki ga je nato snela in do izraza je prišla preprosta silhueta obleke, ki je lepo poudarila njeno postavo.

Kaj pa popolnoma "custom made" dodatki? Dostikrat si nevesta zaželi torbico, vendar enostavno ne najde primerne. Pri personalizirani izdelavi dodatkov je prednost ta, da se zopet lahko popolnoma prilagodimo potrebam in željam neveste, hkrati pa ustvarimo dodatek, ki lepo zaključi celotno podobo, je diskreten, a ravno prav drzen, hkrati pa ne prevzame pozornosti obleki, vendar jo dopolni. Na sliki je torbica, ki sem jo naredila za mojo drago nevesto Špelo ( ki jo tudi lahko vidite na spodnjih slikah ), je pa sicer bila presenečenje in darilo s strani njenih družic.

Po meri izdelana poročna obleka je nekaj neprecenljivega. Z nevesto vedno najprej odkrijeva njen stil in njene želje, ki jih potem upoštevava pri modelu obleke, primernem za njeno postavo, lokacijo, kjer se bo poroka odvijala, program, itd. Na spodnjih slikah si lahko poleg mene in moje poročne obleke, ki sem jo nosila na obredu, ogledate še nekaj unikatnih oblek, ki so bile izdelane posebej za moje neveste in so popolnoma unikatne - spoznajte The Lie by JPZ #realbrides Petro, Barbaro, Špelo, Svetlano in - mojo malenkost.

Na spodnjih dveh slikah lahko vidite mojo zdnjo obleko, ki je bila namenjena poročni zabavi. Brez vlečke in širokega kroja mi je omogočala povsem prosto gibanje, hkrati pa zaradi tega dajala prelep efekt ob plesnju in vrtenju, drobne bleščice pa so se ponoči lepo lesketale v soju drobnih lučk.

In tako pridemo še do sklepnega dela. Vizija poroke je zaključena še z oblekami vaših družic in cvetličnih deklic. Pri slednjih rada uporabljam enak material in enako čipko kot pri nevestah, za popolno ujemanje. Medtem ko pri družicah sama zagovarjam izdelavo oblek, kjer je vsaka drugačna od druge, zopet prilagojena na stil, postavo in karakter vsake posamezne družice. Pri mojih družicah je bila skupna nit le vrsta čipke, nato pa je imela vsaka svoj model pa tudi barvo obleke. Špelina barva poroke je bila nežno roza in zato si je zaželela svoje družice v enakem materialu, vsaka pa si je nato izbrala svoj model obleke. Pri Lei pa so se družice ujemale z njeno črno poročno obleko v barvi in vrsti čipke, vendar zopet vsaka v svojem modelu obleke. 
Moč je v detaljih in nevesto lahko z družicami povežemo tudi z enakim nakitom - vse imajo lahko enako zapestnico, na kovancu pa ima nevesta napis Bride, družice pa Bridesmaids ali Špela's Crew ali kaj podobno izvirnega in zabavnega. 

Z mojo mami sva zelo povezani. In nekaj malega te povezave sva na moji poroki pokazali tudi skozi najini obleki. Za sprejem gostov sem se odločila za bogato rdečo obleko ter nato iz istega materiala in čipke naredila obleko za mami. Ja, ponavljam - moč je v detajlih. Še posebej, kadar so ti osebni in podprti s težo zgodbe in simbolike.

In za konec, še enkrat moje sveto prepričanje: vaša poročna obleka naj bo samo vaša in naj si zasluži posebno mesto v omari za vedno! Ni lepšega, kot obujati spomine in ponovno pogledati poročno obleko tudi z mlajšimi generacijami, vašo hčerko in vnukinjo. 

My Personal Style: Sundays, Romanian Mountains, Matching Outfits & A Splash Of Color February 11 2019, 0 Comments

Dressing up should be fun. I always say to my clients and customers – if you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. Save your energy, time and money for the things that interest you and make you happy.
On Sundays, I like to go a little bit crazy with my looks, I love creating playful combinations and – guess what – I like to match with my husband! We have fun with it (well, it’s definitely more fun for me than for him, at least as far as the photoshoot goes), so we do it now and then, especially while vacationing! Yesterday was just a perfect day in Romanian mountain resort, filled with laughter, joy, good friends that became family and beautiful weather, surrounded by an amazing nature.



THE LIE BY JPZ fur jacket & bag
GUCCI sunnies, beanie & sneakers
DIESEL sweater
ADIDAS pants

Travel Diary: London Calling February 10 2019, 0 Comments

Ahhh, London! City, dear to my heart and soul. City I've been visiting at least once a year since I was 3 years old. City, where I was buying my Freed ballet shoes back in my dancing days. City, where danced my favorite ballet dancer, Darcey Bussel. City, where I saw first musical. City, where toast with butter tastes better than anywhere else in the world. And the list could go on and on...


Being comfortable, warm and feeling good while sightseeing is also the key to look good. After a long day visiting attractions and museums and running around underground, catching your train, you won't look as a super posh fashionista even in the best heels and the most elegant coat, if you will barely walk from your foot pain or you'll be freezing to death. While traveling, go for comfortable outfits and you rather make them bold with statement accessories.


THE LIE BY JPZ fur jacket & belt bag
GUCCI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
ZARA jeans

Obviously, you can find amazing places with amazing food. I am talking about the world cuisine since traditional English food is really not my cup of tea. But the place you have to visit if you are a sushi lover and you want the best performance for the price you pay is Sushi Eatery, located on 40 Firth Street in Soho. 
Bill at Sushi Eatery must be paid in cash (£20), you’ve got an hour and a half to be in and out, you can choose 6 rounds with additional first round where you choose from the menu 8 warm dishes and drinks are paid on top. 
Worried about an hour and a half and only 7 rounds? Well, don't be. The portions are generous and we barely make it to the fourth round (usually to the third, but if we are really hungry, we squeeze in the fourth one as well). I don’t think it’s possible to get through more than four rounds, but if you do, well, than you definitely deserve a pat on the back! 
Despite the name, this spot isn't just about the sushi. You can choose from a good range of Japanese dishes, from edamame and tempura vegetables to chicken teriyaki, miso soup and meats from the robata grill. Sushi does play the lead role here. There's a range of nigiri, sashimi platters, maki rolls and sushi sets. If, like me, you like are a huge raw salmon fan, you’ll be more than satisfied. And for truly authentic Japanese experience - head downstairs for authentic tatami seating.
Ok, so now you are full of sushi and have just a little bit of space for an amazing dessert, right? Walk to Regent street (approximately 8 minutes away) and grab the BEST CHEESE CAKE! Cakes and Bubbles is located in Hotel Café Royal and it is possible you won't be able get a table, but The World's Best Pastry Chef, voted by The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, Albert Adriàoffers a parade of exceptional desserts: from his signature 'cheese cake' to his egg flan, air waffle and doughnut creations which you can take away in a neat box and have the time of your life while eating it in your hotel room.

As for the city itself, there is no sense loosing the words about all the things you can see and do in London. What are the preferences just depend on what interests you. I always take a walk from Picadilly Circus to Covent Garden, see a musical, check out all the magnificent jewelry at Bentley & Skinner, buy myself a book at one of the amazing book stores (yes, there's many!) and visit Harrods for Godiva chocolate dipped strawberries. That's my London routine, since I've seen most of the attractions and museums already.


My Personal Style: The Godmother February 09 2019, 0 Comments

Yesterday I had the honour becoming a godmother to the sweetest little boy Richard. He is the son of a very dear friends of ours, who live in Romania and so this picturesque country became a place, I love to visit over and over again. Amazing restaurants, incredible food, great clubs and gorgeous nature are the main reasons you should visit Romania. I was writing about Romania already on my blog, you can read more about it HERE, HERE and HERE.  
So, for this special occasion, I chose an off white velvet skirt and matching top and added a white fur stole and snake print bracelet bag for that extra glamorous touch. The temperatures were really cold so a warm wool coat was a must as well as tights. For a playful twist, I went for wool tights that were matching these winter velvet Cesare Paciotti sandals (yes, I must admit that the colorful tights trend is definitely one of my go for this season!).



THE LIE BY JPZ wrap coat, skirt, top, beret, fur stole & bracelet bag
CELINE sunnies
CHANEL brooch