The Lie by JPZ Spring/Summer 2020 Collection: Pasión; Devoción; Amor. May 10 2020, 0 Comments
The Lie by JPZ presents SPRING/SUMMER 2020 Collection: Pasión; Devoción; Amor.
The inspiration behind the collection was once again drawn from Mediterranean countries of Spain and - Slovenia. The idea of getting "dressed to kill" (or be killed) originated with bullfighters. Strong Spanish influenece can be sensed in every piece of clothing; there are roses, luxurious laces, flamenco polka dots and then there's the color red - the color of blood in the bullring. However, the Spanish story behind the collection colides with strong Sloveninan heritage and thus this time the collection is placed in a riding arena of one of the oldest stud farms in Europe, Slovenian Lipica. Equestrianism also inspired the season's accessories, especially in belts and bags. The collection is an ode to passion and devotion - the two strongest feelings that lead to - LOVE. This season, The Lie by JPZ woman presents a unique atmosphere around her with individual elements, that mark each and every piece in collection. She's passionate, she's devoted and - she loves and is LOVED.
The Lie by JPZ predstavlja kolekcijo POMLAD/POLETJE 2020: Pasión; Devoción; Amor.
Navdih za kolekcijo je ponovno črpaN iz sredozemskih držav Španije in - Slovenije. Zamisel, da bi se "oblekli, da bi ubili" (ali bili ubiti), izhaja iz bikoborcev. Močan španski vpliv je moč občutiti v vsakem kosu oblačila; tu so vrtnice, razkošne čipke, Flamenko pike in - nato je tu rdeča barva - barva krvi v bikoborskih arenah. Vendar španska zgodba za kolekcijo, trči z močno slovensko dediščino. Zato bikoborsko areno zamenja jahalna v eni najstarejših kobilarn v Evropi, slovenski Lipici. Konjeništvo je tudi navdihnilo modne dodatke v kolekciji, zlasti pasovih in torbicah. Kolekcija je oda strasti in predanosti - dvema najmočnejšima čustvoma, ki vodita do - LJUBEZENI. Letošnjo sezono The Lie by JPZ ženska ustvarja edinstveno vzdušje okoli sebe z individualnimi elementi, ki zaznamujejo vsak kos v kolekciji. Je strastna in predana ter - ljubi in je LJUBLJENA.
Ad campaign shot by Tibor Golob
Models: Aja Jeler, Emma Perralta, Maša Gržinič
Hair: Kristijan Skamlljič @kikihair
Make up: Sara Kaisersberger @secretkeymakeup
Ad campaign video director: Srečko Turek Felix Foxx for Felix Visions
Assistant: Filip Brinjovec
Location: Lipica Stud Farm