The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 21/22 Collection: E(LE)VEN October 20 2021, 0 Comments


11 years of The Lie by JPZ and we proudly represent to you our FALL WINTER 21/22 collection E(LE)VEN!

New The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 2021/2022 collection E(LE)VEN, at times almost fantastically surreal in aesthetic, is yet again a celebration of female figure. Created not for perfect bodies, but for perfect women, all the pieces in the collection are again designed to complement your character and figure in the strongest way possible. Unapologetically minimalistic silhouettes in rich black textures are favorably complemented with contemporary geometric details and voluminous accessories, creating an elaborate opulence. Placed in a baroque environment, we've achieved the perfect contrast to how we envision The Lie by JPZ women this season.


11 let blagovne znamke The Lie by JPZ in s ponosom vam predstavljamo novo kolekcijo jesen zima 2021/2022 E(LE)VEN.

Nova kolekcija The Lie by JPZ JESEN ZIMA 2021/2022 E(LE)VEN, na trenutke estetsko skoraj fantastično nadrealistična, je zopet poklon ženski postavi. Ustvarjena ne za popolna telesa, ampak za popolne ženske, so vsi kosi v kolekciji ponovno zasnovani tako, da na najmočnejši možen način dopolnjujejo vaš značaj in figuro. Nesporno minimalistične silhuete v bogatih črnih teksturah se subtilno dopolnjujejo s sodobnimi geometrijskimi detajli in glamuroznimi dodatki, ki ustvarjajo dovršeno razkošje. S postavitvijo v baročno okolje, je dosežen popoln kontrast v skladnosti z vizijo The Lie by JPZ ženske nove sezone.