Miss Earth SLO X THe Lie by JPZ October 02 2021, 0 Comments
Ponosna na projekt in predvsem dekleta - finalistke za @missearthslovenia ! Z največjim užitkom delim z njimi svoje znanje in izkušnje, mnenja in prepričanja. Ponosna sem, ko vidim njihov napredek in rast samozavesti! Ponosna, da lahko prehodim z njimi tisti del poti, ki jih vodi do najlepšega cilja-da postanejo samostojne, samozavestne in močne ženske! Danes se naša skupna pot v okviru projekta Miss Earth konča, ko bo okronana nova, že 15. Miss Earth Slovenije 2015! Na uradnih fotografijah so dekleta nosila @thelie_by_jpz večerne obleke in nakit.
FINALISTKE: Sara Cener, Asja Bonnie Pivk, Tadeja Kamenik, Maša Pučnik, Ana Elez Ćiković, Anita Švajger, Patricija Miklavžina, Eva Karin Potrč, Tinkara Vengust, Sara Horvat
Proud of the project and especially the girls - finalists for @missearthslovenia! It is my greatest pleasure to share my knowledge and experience, opinions and beliefs with them. I am proud to see their progress and self-confidence growth! Proud to be able to walk with them that part of the path that leads them to the most beautiful goal — to become independent, confident, and strong women! Today, our joint journey within the Miss Earth project ends, when the new 15th Miss Earth Slovenia 2015 will be crowned! In the official photos, the girls wore @thelie_by_jpz evening dresses and jewelry.
FINALISTS: Sara Cener, Asja Bonnie Pivk, Tadeja Kamenik, Maša Pučnik, Ana Elez Ćiković, Anita Švajger, Patricija Miklavžina, Eva Karin Potrč, Tinkara Vengust, Sara Horvat