Season's Must: Lara's Hat November 11 2015, 3 Comments
Whether you live in a big city or a small snowy town, chances are that temperatures are very low at this time of year, making us rely on super warm coats, scarves, boots and - here come's the best part - hats! Yes, here at The Lie by JPZ we absolutely love chill weather, because this is when you get the chance to wear all kinds of hats.
There are many different style hats that will keep your head warm throughout the winter months, but nothing does the trick like a gorgeous fur hat, known also as Lara's hat from the iconic Dr. Zhivago movie. These beauties will keep you as warm as can be despite the cold temperatures and strong wind. And what is best is that they’re incredibly easy to match with any outfit, since they add just the right amount of drama to it and also a tremendously chic statement.
What's your favourite The Lie by JPZ Lara's hat for the season? White, brown, red, green or black?
Maja on
Joj, tale zelena mora bit moja! Pa mufek tut:)
Masha on
The nicest hat style indeed
Amanda on
Would love to have every single one of them in my closet:))