Blog, News & Styling Tips

My Personal Style: Death Valley & Black Textures April 13 2019, 1 Comment

Beautiful Californian sun, gorgeous views and hot sand... So much beauty for one to experience in one of the hottest places in the world. I never get tired of this picturesque drive from Las Vegas, Nevada, through Death Valley towards the most amazing mountains in Mammoth Lakes, California. Whenever you get the chance, try it, you won’t regret it, I promise!

Regarding this three piece look - I love mixing & matching in all the aspects, so when designing, I always use the opportunity to have a creation made from singular pieces. This way, I give you the opportunity to wear them in several looks and have lots of fun and creative moments with them!



THE LIE BY JPZ top, skirt, chiffon train skirt, 14K gold ring bracelet & belt
JIMMY CHOO sandals

Odkrito o poroki na poročnem seminarju LUKA & BEN wedding planning March 02 2019, 0 Comments

Drage moje!

Biti oblikovalka, ki izdeluje oblačila po meri, pomeni, da imam z vsako stranko zelo tesen in oseben stik. In ključno je, da se v tem odnosu razvije medsebojno zaupanje in odkritost. Tokrat bom govorila ODKRITO O POROKI za vse bodoče neveste & ženine v sodelovanju z LUKA & BEN WEDDING PLANNING na seminarju, ki bo potekal v hotelu InterContinental v Ljubljani, 6. &. 7. marca. O poroki bomo spregovorili brez dlake na jeziku. Zakaj imeti unikatno poroko? Zakaj je pomembno na prvo mesto postaviti kvaliteto in drugačnost? Vse o tem vam bosta zaupala Luka in Ben, ki sta bila tudi moja poročna planerja in ki bi ju izbrala za to posebno priložnost vedno znova in znova.
Moja malenkost pa vam bo iz prve roke ( zakaj iz prve roke? Ker sem poskrbela že za lepo število unikatnih poročnih oblek za moj nevesto ter njihovo spremstvo - družice in cvetlične deklice in seveda zato, ker sem bila tudi sama pred kratkim nevesta!) predstavila razloge, zakaj je pomembno imeti unikatno poročno obleko, ki je izdelana po meri in - samo vaša. Ker v to resnično in z vsem srcem verjamem in, saj veste, kaj pravijo: "practise what you preach"!

Odgovorili bomo na vsa vaša vprašanja in vas popeljali v svet porok, drugače, po naše. Ker si to zaslužite.

Ker verjamemo v drugačnost, unikatnost in butičnost, pravzaprav delamo to kar delamo. Z vso strastjo in vsem srcem. Luka Mirjan simšič in Benjamin Bastien Kračun odita v mojem življenju med tiste srčne ljudi, ki jih imam neizmerno rada, hkrati pa me tudi inspirirata in pri kreativnem poklicu je obdanost s takšnimi ljudmi sila pomembna. Njun pristop k poroki je tako oseben, kot zasnova poročnih oblek za moje neveste, zato sem se z veseljem odzvala njunemu povabilu za sodelovanje na njunem poročnem seminarju.

In naj odkrito o poroki spregovorim tudi na mojem blogu, drage moje zveste bralke in stranke. Roko na srce - v kolikor sodite med tiste, ki si želite imeti vaš poročni dan speljan na najvišjem možnem nivoju, boste za to morali odšteti kar nekaj denarja. In moje prepričanje je, da pri vseh stroških, ki jih poroka prinese, obleke ne bi smeli smatrati kot "tisti nepotreben strošek - obleko si bom raje kar sposodila, saj jo bom imela samo enkrat". Ja, drži, srčno upam ( pa verjetno ne l jaz, temveč tudi ve in vaši ženini ) da boste poročno obleko imeli samo enkrat in takrat si zaslužite, da je ta obleka samo vaša, izdelana po meri, prilagojena vaši postavi, vašim željam, temi in barvi poroke! To je vaš dan in enkratna priložnost, da na ta dan ne razvajate le svojih gostov, temveč tudi sebe!
Sama sem v to prepričanje tako zelo verjela, da sem imela skupno pet oblek. Kako je do tega prišlo? Delno, ker se nisem mogla odločiti, kakšen kroj bi imela ter delno zaradi programa poroke in vseh aktivnosti, kajti vseeno sem želela, da mi bo udobno in bom lahko brezskbno preplesala noč. A vse potrobnosti o moji poroki bom nekoč zapisala novi blog objavi.  
Na slikah spodaj vidite obleko, ki sem jo nosila na predporočni večer ali na tako imenovani "reherseal dinner". Sem ljubiteljica večernih oblek, veliko jih nosim, zato sevea ni bilo dileme, da bo obleke za ta dogodek dolga. Hkrati sem želela, da je, kot že sama večerja, tudi obleka uvod v moj poročni dan. Zato sem se oločila za belo barvo in čipkast zgornji del, belino pa sem nato razbila in obleki dodala nekaj ostrine s črnim žametnim pasom. Je bil le predporočni večer in popolnoma bela sem želela biti na obredu.
Več fotografij iz tega večera si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.

Vedno bolj pogosto se srečujem z nevestami, ki si želijo imeti svojo poročno obleko v drugi barvi, kot beli. Takrat se najprej pogovorimo, ali bi morda bilo vseeno smiselno imeti na obredu belo in željo po barvni obleki potešimo z drugo obleko, v kater se nevesta preoblečese za rajanje. V tem primeru, obleko primerno prilagodim plesanju - verjemite mi - tudi v dolgi obleke vam je lahko udobno in v njej preplešete celo noč! Takšna nevesta je bila Lea, ki se je po obredni beli obleki preoblekla v črno. Brez vlečke, spredaj malo krajša ( kar zaradi modela obleke in aplikacij iz tila tega sploh ni bilo moč opaziti ) in v črni barvi je tako brezskrbno preplesala svojo poročno noč. Polona pa je bila tista drzna nevesta, ki je imela na svoji poroki rdeče poudarke in si je zaželela tudi rdečo obleko. Za obredni del je imela dodano še bogato krilo iz tila, ki ga je nato snela in do izraza je prišla preprosta silhueta obleke, ki je lepo poudarila njeno postavo.

Kaj pa popolnoma "custom made" dodatki? Dostikrat si nevesta zaželi torbico, vendar enostavno ne najde primerne. Pri personalizirani izdelavi dodatkov je prednost ta, da se zopet lahko popolnoma prilagodimo potrebam in željam neveste, hkrati pa ustvarimo dodatek, ki lepo zaključi celotno podobo, je diskreten, a ravno prav drzen, hkrati pa ne prevzame pozornosti obleki, vendar jo dopolni. Na sliki je torbica, ki sem jo naredila za mojo drago nevesto Špelo ( ki jo tudi lahko vidite na spodnjih slikah ), je pa sicer bila presenečenje in darilo s strani njenih družic.

Po meri izdelana poročna obleka je nekaj neprecenljivega. Z nevesto vedno najprej odkrijeva njen stil in njene želje, ki jih potem upoštevava pri modelu obleke, primernem za njeno postavo, lokacijo, kjer se bo poroka odvijala, program, itd. Na spodnjih slikah si lahko poleg mene in moje poročne obleke, ki sem jo nosila na obredu, ogledate še nekaj unikatnih oblek, ki so bile izdelane posebej za moje neveste in so popolnoma unikatne - spoznajte The Lie by JPZ #realbrides Petro, Barbaro, Špelo, Svetlano in - mojo malenkost.

Na spodnjih dveh slikah lahko vidite mojo zdnjo obleko, ki je bila namenjena poročni zabavi. Brez vlečke in širokega kroja mi je omogočala povsem prosto gibanje, hkrati pa zaradi tega dajala prelep efekt ob plesnju in vrtenju, drobne bleščice pa so se ponoči lepo lesketale v soju drobnih lučk.

In tako pridemo še do sklepnega dela. Vizija poroke je zaključena še z oblekami vaših družic in cvetličnih deklic. Pri slednjih rada uporabljam enak material in enako čipko kot pri nevestah, za popolno ujemanje. Medtem ko pri družicah sama zagovarjam izdelavo oblek, kjer je vsaka drugačna od druge, zopet prilagojena na stil, postavo in karakter vsake posamezne družice. Pri mojih družicah je bila skupna nit le vrsta čipke, nato pa je imela vsaka svoj model pa tudi barvo obleke. Špelina barva poroke je bila nežno roza in zato si je zaželela svoje družice v enakem materialu, vsaka pa si je nato izbrala svoj model obleke. Pri Lei pa so se družice ujemale z njeno črno poročno obleko v barvi in vrsti čipke, vendar zopet vsaka v svojem modelu obleke. 
Moč je v detaljih in nevesto lahko z družicami povežemo tudi z enakim nakitom - vse imajo lahko enako zapestnico, na kovancu pa ima nevesta napis Bride, družice pa Bridesmaids ali Špela's Crew ali kaj podobno izvirnega in zabavnega. 

Z mojo mami sva zelo povezani. In nekaj malega te povezave sva na moji poroki pokazali tudi skozi najini obleki. Za sprejem gostov sem se odločila za bogato rdečo obleko ter nato iz istega materiala in čipke naredila obleko za mami. Ja, ponavljam - moč je v detajlih. Še posebej, kadar so ti osebni in podprti s težo zgodbe in simbolike.

In za konec, še enkrat moje sveto prepričanje: vaša poročna obleka naj bo samo vaša in naj si zasluži posebno mesto v omari za vedno! Ni lepšega, kot obujati spomine in ponovno pogledati poročno obleko tudi z mlajšimi generacijami, vašo hčerko in vnukinjo. 

My Personal Style: Sundays, Romanian Mountains, Matching Outfits & A Splash Of Color February 11 2019, 0 Comments

Dressing up should be fun. I always say to my clients and customers – if you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. Save your energy, time and money for the things that interest you and make you happy.
On Sundays, I like to go a little bit crazy with my looks, I love creating playful combinations and – guess what – I like to match with my husband! We have fun with it (well, it’s definitely more fun for me than for him, at least as far as the photoshoot goes), so we do it now and then, especially while vacationing! Yesterday was just a perfect day in Romanian mountain resort, filled with laughter, joy, good friends that became family and beautiful weather, surrounded by an amazing nature.



THE LIE BY JPZ fur jacket & bag
GUCCI sunnies, beanie & sneakers
DIESEL sweater
ADIDAS pants

Travel Diary: London Calling February 10 2019, 0 Comments

Ahhh, London! City, dear to my heart and soul. City I've been visiting at least once a year since I was 3 years old. City, where I was buying my Freed ballet shoes back in my dancing days. City, where danced my favorite ballet dancer, Darcey Bussel. City, where I saw first musical. City, where toast with butter tastes better than anywhere else in the world. And the list could go on and on...


Being comfortable, warm and feeling good while sightseeing is also the key to look good. After a long day visiting attractions and museums and running around underground, catching your train, you won't look as a super posh fashionista even in the best heels and the most elegant coat, if you will barely walk from your foot pain or you'll be freezing to death. While traveling, go for comfortable outfits and you rather make them bold with statement accessories.


THE LIE BY JPZ fur jacket & belt bag
GUCCI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
ZARA jeans

Obviously, you can find amazing places with amazing food. I am talking about the world cuisine since traditional English food is really not my cup of tea. But the place you have to visit if you are a sushi lover and you want the best performance for the price you pay is Sushi Eatery, located on 40 Firth Street in Soho. 
Bill at Sushi Eatery must be paid in cash (£20), you’ve got an hour and a half to be in and out, you can choose 6 rounds with additional first round where you choose from the menu 8 warm dishes and drinks are paid on top. 
Worried about an hour and a half and only 7 rounds? Well, don't be. The portions are generous and we barely make it to the fourth round (usually to the third, but if we are really hungry, we squeeze in the fourth one as well). I don’t think it’s possible to get through more than four rounds, but if you do, well, than you definitely deserve a pat on the back! 
Despite the name, this spot isn't just about the sushi. You can choose from a good range of Japanese dishes, from edamame and tempura vegetables to chicken teriyaki, miso soup and meats from the robata grill. Sushi does play the lead role here. There's a range of nigiri, sashimi platters, maki rolls and sushi sets. If, like me, you like are a huge raw salmon fan, you’ll be more than satisfied. And for truly authentic Japanese experience - head downstairs for authentic tatami seating.
Ok, so now you are full of sushi and have just a little bit of space for an amazing dessert, right? Walk to Regent street (approximately 8 minutes away) and grab the BEST CHEESE CAKE! Cakes and Bubbles is located in Hotel Café Royal and it is possible you won't be able get a table, but The World's Best Pastry Chef, voted by The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, Albert Adriàoffers a parade of exceptional desserts: from his signature 'cheese cake' to his egg flan, air waffle and doughnut creations which you can take away in a neat box and have the time of your life while eating it in your hotel room.

As for the city itself, there is no sense loosing the words about all the things you can see and do in London. What are the preferences just depend on what interests you. I always take a walk from Picadilly Circus to Covent Garden, see a musical, check out all the magnificent jewelry at Bentley & Skinner, buy myself a book at one of the amazing book stores (yes, there's many!) and visit Harrods for Godiva chocolate dipped strawberries. That's my London routine, since I've seen most of the attractions and museums already.


My Personal Style: The Godmother February 09 2019, 0 Comments

Yesterday I had the honour becoming a godmother to the sweetest little boy Richard. He is the son of a very dear friends of ours, who live in Romania and so this picturesque country became a place, I love to visit over and over again. Amazing restaurants, incredible food, great clubs and gorgeous nature are the main reasons you should visit Romania. I was writing about Romania already on my blog, you can read more about it HERE, HERE and HERE.  
So, for this special occasion, I chose an off white velvet skirt and matching top and added a white fur stole and snake print bracelet bag for that extra glamorous touch. The temperatures were really cold so a warm wool coat was a must as well as tights. For a playful twist, I went for wool tights that were matching these winter velvet Cesare Paciotti sandals (yes, I must admit that the colorful tights trend is definitely one of my go for this season!).



THE LIE BY JPZ wrap coat, skirt, top, beret, fur stole & bracelet bag
CELINE sunnies
CHANEL brooch

My Personal Style: Parisian Chic February 07 2019, 2 Comments

“French girl style” is a universal term. It’s classic and simple and chic and it makes getting dressed more of an art form than a routine. Playing with lengths, lace and stripes will always do the trick and for the cherry on the top - do not forget adding a beret!


Photo by Tibor Golob


THE LIE BY JPZ wrap coat, lace skirt, beret & bag
FENDI sunnies


My Personal Style: Mountains & Pearls January 19 2019, 0 Comments

Can you think of a better antidote to January blues than heading off to the mountains? If you're one of the lucky ones (as I am) and you live in a beautiful small country where you can find sea on one and mountains on the other side, then you can dedicate your weekends to a little downhill action and you'll know that après-ski heralds the opportunity to wheel out your best knits, stylish sunglasses, eye-catching bags and statement fur. Even in the mountains I am wearing outfits that look as much in place in the city as they do on the mountains. 



ADIDAS track pants
GUCCI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
ZARA sweater
DIESEL shoes
CHANEL brooch
Vintage fur jacket



My Personal Style: Russian Fairy Tale January 18 2019, 0 Comments

Somebody said SNOW?? Love love love creating snow looks! Today we woke up in a beautiful white morning, after more than a month of waiting, we finally have snow again in our country! So, this Friday was a true Funday! 
When snow falls and whitens the nature and the cities, I just fall in some sort of romantic mode and so the consequence are romantic, fairy tale-like outfits with a slight retro touch. It's no secret how much I love Russia and I draw a lot of inspiration from Russian history, culture and literature, so I just loved putting on again The Lie by JPZ iconic Lara's hat which are present in our winter collections from day 1. I paired it with our powder pink fur poncho and for that extra touch I added hand muff.  



THE LIE BY JPZ fur poncho, hand muff, Lara's hat & bag
ZARA pants
SKI BOOT snow boots

My Personal Style: Running Errands In Rainbow January 10 2019, 0 Comments

I do not know about you, but what works for me on a gloomy day, to bust me with energy and get me in a better mood, is adding color to my outfits. Sometimes, a lot of color (obviously)! So, in this outfit is just all about The Lie by JPZ blue fur vest and sequinned bag from our latest FW 18/19 collection. These two pieces really are an eye-catchers, agree?



THE LIE BY JPZ fur vest, belt & sequinned bag
ZARA pants
FENDI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
NEW YORKER sweater
GUCCI sneakers

Termini za The Lie by JPZ Tvojo Unikatno Poročno Obleko So Odprti! / Custom The Lie by JPZ Wedding Gown Appointments Are Open - Book Now January 06 2019, 0 Comments


Drage moje! 

Prihaja eden najlepših dni v vašem življenju (verjemite mi, jaz že vem) in to je dan, ko morate zablesteti v vsej svoji lepoti (ja, tudi to mi lahko verjamete). Vaš poročni dan je samo vajin in zato si zaslužite tudi popolno obleko. Obleko, ki bo odražala vas, vaju, vajino ljubezen, vajin stil. Obleka, ki bo poudarila vse vaše popolnosti in prikrila nepopolnosti. Neizmerno sem uživala v kreiranju in izdelavi svojih poročnih oblek in tistih za moje družice pred letom in pol, še bolj pa sem uživala, ko sem lansko sezono ustvarjala za svoje neveste. Kako sem srečna, da sem lahko podoživljala skupaj z njimi svoje občutke, svoje spomine, hkrati pa jim dala tisto piko na i - njihovo popolno obleko. Zaradi unikatne izdelave, neprespanih noči in stotine ur ročnega dela, lahko na sezono sprejmemo le omejeno število nevest. Termini za rezervacije so sedaj odprti in jih sprejemamo do konca februaurja, potem pa začenjamo ves svoj čas namenjati iskanju in izbiri prave čipke in materialov ter s procesom izdelave. Za nekaj nevest je letos še prostora, The Lie by JPZ ekipa se veseli novih unikatnih, urbanih, seksapilnih, elegantnih in šik poročnih kreacij, ki jih bomo zopet ustvarili skupaj z vami, drage moje neveste!

Za vse informacije smo vam na voljo na elektronskem naslovu ali na telefonski številki 051/645-506


My dear ladies! 

One of the most beautiful days in your life is coming (believe me, I already know) and this is the day you need to shine in all your beauty (yes, you can believe me that too). Your wedding day is just yours and that's why you absolutely deserve your perfect dream wedding gown. A dress that will reflect you, your husband to be, your mutual love, your style. A dress that will emphasize all your perfections and conceal imperfections. I immensely enjoyed creating and making my wedding dresses and those for my bridesmaids a year and a half ago, but even more I enjoyed creatin them for my brides last year. How happy I am to be able to relive with them my feelings, my memories, and at the same time give them - in my opinion - one of the most beautiful appearances in their lives: the perfect wedding gown. Due to the unique production, many slepless nights and hundreds of hours of handmade work, only a limited number of brides can be accepted on the season. Booking terms are now open and we accept them by the end of February, and then we start to spend our time searching for and choosing the right lace and materials, so your dream wedding dress starts coming to life. The Lie by JPZ team is looking forward to new unique, urban, sexy, elegant and chic wedding creations that we will create together with you, my dear brides!

For all information, please contact us at or at the telephone number 051 / 645-506


Photo: Tibor Golob
Model: Anja Jenko
The Lie by JPZ Bridal 2019 Collection

My Personal Style: Sunday Blues With Pop Of Color January 06 2019, 0 Comments

Last Sunday, before the NY's, me and my family visited a beautiful Croatian island Brač, that I hold very dear to my heart and it's one of my go to destinations in summer time. However, it was the first time I've seen it in the winter time and it's just something really special with islands in the winter time. Such peace and serenity, no people, no sound but the one of sea and wind along with tempting smell of pine trees. The look I chose was blue, cosy and the central piece was The Lie by JPZ blue wrap wool coat from our FW 18/19 collection and for the fun twist, I went for our yellow muff bag and sparkling Ugg boots. 



THE LIE BY JPZ coat, belt & muff bag
ZARA jeans
FENDI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
NEW YORKER sweater
UGG boots

My Personal Style: First 2019 Look January 05 2019, 0 Comments

The NY's celebration on Split's Riva was incredibly nice, you could really feel the Mediterranean energy in music and the people. The weather was pretty warm and the place wasn't too crowded. So, on the first morning of 2019 I woke up to a very warm and sunny day, which really filled me up with a lot of energy, good mood and a feeling of wearing a colorful and playful outfit. Hope your first week of 2019 is being good so far and wishing you a beautiful and relaxing Saturday!



THE LIE BY JPZ belts & muff bag
NEW YORKER skirt & tee
Vintage fur jacket
FENDI sunnies



Amazing & Stylish 2019! January 01 2019, 0 Comments

The Lie by JPZ family wishes you an amazing & stylish year! Thank you for being a part of our family! We just can't wait to show you what we have for you in 2019!


My Personal Style: Last 2018 Look December 31 2018, 0 Comments

I've just spent the most beautiful last day of 2018 with my family in a pleasant Croatian city of Split and I am now getting ready for the NYE party! So, beside today's look, I just wanted to share with you a few words about my 2018.
Oh yes, what a year you were 2018... A year full of surprises, emotions, changes and new beginnings. What I really realized is that we have one life and we should make each day like it's our last. We have to live our passion fully and shouldn't expect anything in return. We should stop bothering with things that don't matter and give time to those that does. 
This year has been the most creative for me and I believe I really am lucky to be able to do what I love. A big thanks to everybody, who follows along, supports, believes and loves my brand, my design, my vision. You are the best!

Enjoy your evening & have a wonderful 2019, with lots of love & warmth! See you soon - next year!



THE LIE BY JPZ beanie, belt & belt bag
ZARA sweater
Vintage fur jacket
FENDI sunnies
ADIDAS training pants
GUCCI sneakers

My Personal Style: Christmas Look December 30 2018, 0 Comments

I am an absolute Christmas girl! It's time when I just really slow own, hang out more with frinds and family, decorate my house and host many dinners and beautiful gatherings with my loved ones. I've had such incredible parents who really did a big deal out of Christmas holidays. And now that I'm older, I just want to give back and do a magical Christmas for them, for my cousin, his girlfriend, their kids and for all my closest friends. 
Here's a sneak peak at my Christmas tree in the corner of my living room, where I also have this amazing art work from a special friend and designel Nemanja Miloševič, who created this piece around my bronze leather bag from FW 12/13 collection. Isn't it amazing?
The pictures weere taken a moments before my familly arrived for Christmas dinne, so I decided for a black and white dress (also from FW 12/13 collection), red ribbon (for that special extra Christmas touch) and black and white Christian Loubutin pumps. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and you are preparing for a lot of fun for tomorrow's NY's eve!




Bag Guide: Holiday Edition December 24 2018, 0 Comments

My Personal Style: Winter Seaside Escape Or All About Sunday Cozy December 23 2018, 0 Comments

Sometimes it really feels so good spending Sunday in completely cozy outfit. Since you can always add a little bit of chic to it, right? Just change your sport jacket for our long green statement coat from the latest FW 18?19 collection and you'll do the trick! 
Have a wonderful Sunday!



THE LIE BY JPZ coat & cross body bag
H&M gloves
GUCCI sunnies & beanie
ADIDAS training pants
UGG boots

Shop Small Clutch Champagne Silver With Silver Chain

My Personal Style: Pinks, Purples & Ruffles December 22 2018, 0 Comments

Christmas is almost here and during this time of the year I like to create romantic, slightly retro looks with an urban twist. Pink, purple and lace for the romantic; our iconic ruffle coat, hand muff and lara’s hat for the retro; statement leather bag and belt with over the knee boots for the urban. 



THE LIE BY JPZ ruflle coat, blouse, skirt, belt, lara's hat, hand muff & leather bag
SIMMI over the knee boots

Shop Statement Bag Fashionista Chocolate Brown Croc

My Personal Style: Black On White December 16 2018, 0 Comments

Oh, how I love winter! I can honestly say it's my favorite time of the year - Christmas, chunky knits, fur, lots of layering and of course - snow! Here's a cosy yet chic Sunday look, combining sporty lower part with elegant bag and statement fur vest for a walk in a winter wonderland!



THE LIE BY JPZ fur vest, beanie & sheer shopper bag
ADIDAS tiro training pants
H&M gloves
FIREFLY snow boots

MASTERCLASS Z JERNEJO P. ZHEMBROVSKYY V LJUBLJANI, 1.12.2018! November 18 2018, 0 Comments


Drage dame!
Ne zamudite enkratne priložnosti in se naučite vse o stilu in modi! Zakorakajte v Novo Leto samozavestnejše, pripravljene na nove podvige in uspehe! Naša zunanja podoba je sila pomembna. Prvi vtis, preden spregovorimo, vedno naredimo s svojim videzom, zato je ta resnično zelo pomemben, bolj, kot si lahko predstavljate! Ste od nekdaj občudovale modne ikone? Ste si to tudi želele postati, pa niste vedele, kako? Sedaj imate priložnost, da se vsega tega tudi naučite na edinstvenem MasterClassu, ki bo potekal 1.12.2018 v Ljubljani, pod vodstvom Jerneje P. Zhembrovskyy!

Zakaj MasterClass JPZ?


-kaj je moda in kaj stil

-kdaj slediti smernicam in kdaj ne

-zakaj je osebni stil tako zelo pomemben

-tipi postav in kako se obleči glede na tip postave

-poslovna moda (kodeks poslovnega oblačenja)

-kaj je to black tie, cocktail, business casual?

-kako urediš svojo garderobno omaro

-triki za lažje sestavljanje outfit-ov

-osnovni kosi vsake garderobe

-trenutni trendi

-najpogostejše težave in tabuji stilskega (ne)izražanja

decembrski glamur in kako ga izrabiti na več načinov

-kako negovati odnos s partnerjem tudi skozi stil

-kdaj prisluhniti partnerju in zakaj je to pomembno

-osebno posvetovanje z Jernejo

In za konec še: 

Ja, drage dame, po vsem tem, pa vas čaka še vrečka presenečenja s številnimi ugodnostmi in popusti pri izbranih modnih trgovinah in restavracijah. In - ker najslajše vedno pride na koncu - po MasterClassu bomo izžrebali srečno udeleženko, ki bo postala ponosna lastnica The Lie by JPZ usnjene shopper torbice! 

Zaradi vsega naštetega in še veliko več, te vabimo v prijetno družbo, kjer boš naredila največ za sebe in začela praznični december tako, kot se šika - z obdarovanjem same sebe!

Investicija v tvoj osebni stil znaša 250€.
Za zgodnje modne navdušenke pa cena znaša 200€!

MasterClass bo potekal v Ljubljani, v soboto, 1.12.2018, od 14.30 do 19.30!

Število je omejeno, prijave sprejemamo do zapolnitve prostih mest, na:   ali na telefonski številki 030 777 731 



Drage moje!
Najpomembnejša stvar, ko govorimo o tvojem osebnem, je tako imenovano "mixing and matching" ali mešanje in ujemanje "high street" s "high end"  ali s cenovno ugodnimi in dražjimi blagovnimi znamkami. To je definitivno trend, ki mu morate slediti, pa naj govorimo o poslovnem dogodku, sproščenem sprehodu po mestu, zmenku s svojim najdražjim ali poležavanju na plaži. Vendar, kako pravilno slediti temu trendu? Kaj so ključni kosi?

Vse to boste izvedele na MasterClassu z Jernejo, zato te vabimo v prijetno družbo, kjer boš naredila največ za sebe in začela praznični december tako, kot se šika - z obdarovanjem same sebe! Obdarili pa bomo tudi mi - vse udeležence z mamljivimi popusti v izbranih modnih trgovinah in restavracijah, ena med vami pa bo prejela tudi našo usnjeno torbico!

Investicija v tvoj osebni stil znaša 250€.

MasterClass bo potekal v Ljubljani, v soboto, 1.12.2018, od 14.30 do 19.30!

Število je omejeno, prijave sprejemamo do zapolnitve prostih mest, na:   ali na telefonski številki 030 777 731 

Nakup: Classic Clutch Powder Pink Diamond

Nakup: Summer Beauty Gold Studded Straw Bag

 Nakup: Statement Bag Fashionista Lemon; Shop Animal Instinct I-phone 5 case;

Nakup: Trapzoid Studded Shiny Black Clutch


Drage dame!
Ne zamudite enkratne priložnosti in se naučite vse o stilu in modi! Zakorakajte v Novo Leto samozavestnejše, pripravljene na nove podvige in uspehe! Naša zunanja podoba je sila pomembna. Prvi vtis, preden spregovorimo, vedno naredimo s svojim videzom, zato je ta resnično zelo pomemben, bolj, kot si lahko predstavljate! Ste od nekdaj občudovale modne ikone? Ste si to tudi želele postati, pa niste vedele, kako? Sedaj imate priložnost, da se vsega tega tudi naučite na edinstvenem MasterClassu, ki bo potekal 1.12.2018 v Ljubljani, pod vodstvom Jerneje P. Zhembrovskyy!

Zakaj MasterClass JPZ?

Ker je to eden izmed najbolj interaktivnih MasterClass-ov, kjer boš primorana v konstantno sodelovanje in spraševanje. Predvsem zato, da boš lahko ob tej enkratni priložnosti, ko imaš na voljo strokovnjaka, izrabila njegovo prisotnost in na ta način odnesla veliko informacij, ki ti bodo služile za tvoje osebno zadovoljstvo in samozavest. Ker veš, da bi rada uživala v modi in se skozi stil tudi osebno izrazila, vendar ne veš kako. Ker se zavedaš, da je v poplavi vseh in vsega, danes bolj kot kadarkoli prej pomembno, da izraziš samo sebe - na vseh področjih, tudi na stilskem - ter tako stopitš iz množice in si utreš pot do uspeha. Ker bo na koncu čas namenjen tudi za tvoja osebna vprašanja in tvoje specifične težave pri osebnem stilu.

Kaj vse boš pridobila z JPZ MasterClass-om?

Pogledale si bomo:

-kaj je moda in kaj stil

-kdaj slediti smernicam in kdaj ne

-zakaj je osebni stil tako zelo pomemben

-tipi postav in kako se obleči glede na tip postave

-poslovna moda (kodeks poslovnega oblačenja)

-kaj je to black tie, cocktail, business casual?

-kako urediš svojo garderobno omaro

-triki za lažje sestavljanje outfit-ov

-osnovni kosi vsake garderobe

-trenutni trendi

-najpogostejše težave in tabuji stilskega (ne)izražanja

decembrski glamur in kako ga izrabiti na več načinov

-kako negovati odnos s partnerjem tudi skozi stil

-kdaj prisluhniti partnerju in zakaj je to pomembno

-osebno posvetovanje z Jernejo

In za konec še: 

Ja, drage dame, po vsem tem, pa vas čaka še vrečka presenečenja s številnimi ugodnostmi in popusti pri izbranih modnih trgovinah in restavracijah. In - ker najslajše vedno pride na koncu - po MasterClassu bomo izžrebali srečno udeleženko, ki bo postala ponosna lastnica The Lie by JPZ usnjene shopper torbice! 

Zaradi vsega naštetega in še veliko več, te vabimo v prijetno družbo, kjer boš naredila največ za sebe in začela praznični december tako, kot se šika - z obdarovanjem same sebe!

Investicija v tvoj osebni stil znaša 250€.
Za zgodnje modne navdušenke pa cena znaša 200€!

MasterClass bo potekal v Ljubljani, v soboto, 1.12.2018, od 14.30 do 19.30!

Število je omejeno, prijave sprejemamo do zapolnitve prostih mest, na:   ali na telefonski številki 030 777 731 

Kdo je Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy? 

Jerneja danes sodi med izjemne in talentirane oblikovalce ter stiliste, vendar je kot majhna deklica želela postati balerina. Rojena je v Ljubljani, baletno akademijo pa je končala v Amsterdamu, na Nizozemskem, kjer je diplomirala z odliko leta 2008. Vendar usoda je imela zanjo drugačne načrte. Jerneja je 20.10.2010 ustanovila lastno blagovno znamko The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy. 

Njena popularnost kot oblikovalka je rasla skupaj z njenimi ženstvenimi, urbanimi in elegantnimi dizajni. Občudovana zaradi svojega osebnega stila in estetike, je Jerneja tudi zaželjena stilistka mnogim, zaupajo ji slovenske pevske zvezde Nuša Derenda, Rebeka Dremelj, Natalija Verboten, Helena Blagne, Vesna Zornik, pa tudi glasbenice mlajše generacije - Ines Erbus, Nina Donelli, pa še bi lahko naštevali. Njena vizija in njeni izdelki so zaželjeni tudi v tujini, med drugimi jih nosijo nizozemska filmska igralka Carolien Spoor, kanadska Playboyeva lepotica Khloe Terae ter znani influencerki, dvojčici Klaudia in Laura Badura, nazadnje pa ji je svojo podobo zaupala tudi italijanska kraljeva družina, Bourboni dveh Sicilij in tako so v njenih kreacijah blestele princese Camilla de Bourbon, Carolina de Bourbon in Chiara de Bourbon. 

Jerneja je bila tudi urednica mode in lepote pri reviji Optimistka, kjer je mesečno delila svojo kolumno ter lepotne in modne nasvete z zvestimi bralkami. Pod njeno vizijo, kot kreativna direktorica blagovne znamke The Lie by JPZ, se je asortiman  razširil v obširno ponudbo oblačil, večernih in poročnih oblek, torbic, pasov, pokrival, rokavic in nakita. Danes so njene kreacije sinonim za luksuz in zagotovo predstavljajo umetnost na področju nosljive mode. Prepoznavne po svojem zelo dodelanem in izrecnem stilu, kreacije skrbijo, da blagovna znamka ostaja močna ter iz leta v leto raste.

The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 2018/2019 Collection: French Fall LOOKBOOK November 15 2018, 0 Comments

“French girl style” is a universal term. Everyone knows what it is, and yet you cannot totally define it. And here's the magic - you know it’s classic and simple and chic, but there’s an element of je ne sais quoi that makes getting dressed more of an art form than a routine. The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 208/2019 collection is undeniably an epitome of chic French-girl style with an edgy twist! While you're obviously familiar with iconic check print, we've graduated from the unexpected pairings and plaid worn in new ways - from head to toe or in varying shades. This season, try mixing your plaids, not just by color, but also by material. Go even further and mix it with sequins and metallics or go calm and pair it with neutrals

FW 2018/2019 pieces are comfortable enough for leisurely strolls, stylish enough for the best possible occasion (you never know who is going to take your picture or where you’re going to end up, right), and classic enough to be in style for that oh-so-important business meeting.

So, my dear ladies, enjoy the lookbook and decide, which look is your favorite!


Lookbook shot by Tibor Golob

Model: Urska Fuks

Shoes: Trgovina Renini

The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 2018/2019 Collection: French Fall October 16 2018, 0 Comments

“French girl style” is a universal term. Everyone knows what it is, and yet you cannot totally define it. And here's the magic - you know it’s classic and simple and chic, but there’s an element of je ne sais quoi that makes getting dressed more of an art form than a routine. The Lie by JPZ FALL WINTER 208/2019 collection is  undeniably an epitome of chic French-girl style with an edgy twist! While you're obviously familiar with iconic check print, we've graduated from the unexpected pairings and plaid worn in new ways - from head to toe or in varying shades. This season, try mixing your plaids, not just by color, but also by material. Go even further and mix it with sequins and metallics or go calm and pair it with neutrals

FW 2018/2019 pieces are comfortable enough for leisurely strolls, stylish enough for the best possible occasion (you never know who is going to take your picture or where you’re going to end up, right), and classic enough to be in style for that oh-so-important business meeting. Oh, and what's the best about it? As you can see in our campaign - they are perfect for everybody! 

This fall and winter, we proudly give you:

The Lie by JPZ Woman;
The Lie by JPZ Men;
The Lie by JPZ Mother & Daughter
The Lie by JPZ Junior.


Campaign shot by Tibor Golob

Models: Urska Fuks, Nika Krmec, Duša Podbevšek, Mateja Ledinek, Ana Lipuš, Mateja Pušnik, Laura Sever Pušnik,Aljoša Maksimovič, JPZ

Shoes: Trgovina Renini

Bag Guide: When In Las Vegas October 11 2018, 0 Comments

Hello, The Lie by JPZ People!

At the moment, I am checking in grom fabulous Las Vegas and as many of you may already know, I hold this city very dear to my heart. I work hard, I am an absolute workaholic, so I do need to travel - simply to recharge, find new inspirations and, well, just to feed my soul. When abroad on holiodays, I really like to take time for myself, I take time to do my hair, make up and getting dressed an I extremely enjoy in it. 
Ok, I am a heavy packer, that's the truth, but unfortunately, traveling by plane does add a certain limitations to this habbit. Howevere, I love options, and I am an accessories freak, so I always prefer to go smaller on clothes (that I can mix and match with each other, creating neew looks) and go BIIIIg on accessories - especially - BAGS! 
So, today, I am guiding you through the three The Lie by JPZ bag options, that you'll be able to incorporate to your outfits almost 24/7, no matter the look or the occasion. The pictures you are seeing are actually all from Las Vegas, so these bags actually did travel with me to the Sin City. You'll see that they are versatile, easy to style but also statement pieces and eye-catchers - yes, we surely do like those, right?
But what I will also talk about today, is the proper care for your bags, when on the go. 

When it comes to packing, you have to pay a special attention to your most prized possessions – handbags. Bags usually tend to be investment pieces along with your shoes, so you want to ensure they are properly tended to, especially in your suitcase when airport employees do not take a special care for your luggage and are throwing it around like a bag of sand (yes, my heart always breaks when I see this and I get so extremely angry I could punch someone, lol). So, I wanted to share the things I do to care for my handbags when on the go, to ensure they last forever. Hopefully, you’ll pick up some good tips on how to care for your handbags too!

Keep the Dust Bags

When bringing home a new handbag, never, seriously, Never toss the dust bag away! This is the key to protecting your bag and ensuring it stays in good condition and dust-free as home, as well as protected from al the possible accidents that may happen inside your suitcase (once the bottle of my perfume broke and you do not want to know the damage it cost to most of the items I had in the suitcase). If you do not happen to have a dust bag, repurpose a clean pillowcase - preferably white, which does the trick too. Also, once safely wrapped in the fabric, I would suggest you to pack them also in a plastic bag (because of the broken perfume reasons mentioned above).

Protect the Inside

When it comes down to face and body, the unside is as important as th outside - and it's the same with your handbags! Don’t neglect the interior of your handbag! Always use cosmetic or plastic bags and pouches for anything that could pose as a threat to your handbag - perfume, make up, bottle of water. If anything happened to spill, doing so contains the mess and makes it easier to clean. And, if you ever want to resell later, this will help your bag maintain its value.

Stuff the Inside

When it comes to packing your handbags, stuffing the inside of the bag is crucial, especially if you want your bags to hold their structure! On the go, stuff the inside of your bags with clothes, swimming suits and underwear. This way, it is less likely to be damaged, compressed, or lose its shape in the suitcase.

Store in a Safe Place

When in a hotel room, store the bags in a safe place,far away from winows or balconies and of any sunlight! The sun can make a horrible damage to every colored leather!  

Turn to a professional

And, in case on your trip worst comes to worst, you have to seek a professional. A good shoe cobbler will usually be able to help you out with wear and tear, or installing other hardware you need. Do not attempt to fix it yourself otherwise you risk a permanent damage!

What about you, ladies, what are some of the ways you take care for your handbags while on the go?


#fbf & One Last Look On SPRING/SUMMER 2018 Collection Parisian Monochromatic Chic October 04 2018, 0 Comments

Oh yes, the smell of fall is strong so here's one last look on our Spring/Summer 2018 collection. This time we've moved into Parisian monochromatic oasis. Placed in the 80s, with just the right fusion of modernity, strict and straight lines, yet subtly softened with vuluminous ruffles and eternal navy style, we took you on a tour of French chic.
The monochrome color palette was once again complemented by the statement accessories, such as our cult bags and belts, baker boy hats, and, for the first time - maxi cat eye sunglasses.
Colors, just like features, follow the changes of the emotions. Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Color is a power which directly influencs the soul...
So, thispast spring and summer season The Lie by JPZ ladies prefered living in color! Are you curious, what's gonna FALL WINTER 18/19 The Lie by JPZ lady look like?


Campaign shot by Tibor Golob

Starring Mira Grof & Laura Škvorc & JPZ

The Lie by JPZ Celebrity Mothers & Daughters Or The Lie by JPZ Couture And Accesories For All Women October 04 2018, 0 Comments


Obožujem, ko mame, ženske v "zrelih letih" zgledajo strupeno dobro v blagovni znamki The Lie by JPZ - ravno tako, kot njihove hčere! . . .


Celebrity mothers & daughters looking chic and glamorous wearing The Lie by JPZ. Another proof of confidence, beauty, and style that can only be achieved through the experience of a life. Yes, when it comes to fashion and style, age is nothing but a state of mind!

Foto: Tibor Golob

Make up: Doroteja Premužič & Mojca Škof

Hair: Kristijan Skamljič


My Personal Style: Wedding Eve Or The Night Before Or How I Started My Love Affair With Wedding Gowns August 19 2018, 0 Comments

Hello my dear ladies!

I guess this one will be one of the most personal posts. The pictures definitely will be! Since my engagement I developed a great love affair with creating beautiful, urban, modern and custom made wedding gowns. And because it all started from my personal experience and since my wedding, more than a year ago, I've created quite a few gorgeous gowns for my customers as well as strong personal connections, I feel it's the right thing to do - sharing with you my most personal experience through the following pictures. You are looking at our rehearsal dinner that happened the night before our big day. Together with us were our best man Mark, maid of honor Mira and my bridesmaids. 

What I wish to talk about in this post is the importance of treating yourself on your wedding day and throughout the preparations you may have prior your big wedding day, such as bachelorette party and rehearsal dinner. You see, I deeply believe in my wirk and my creations. I also adore them. I believe this is crucial to success- if I believe in what I do, also my customers will. There is no other way, I am really convinced about this.



My Personal Style: Friends That Travel Together, Dress Together May 27 2018, 0 Comments


It is crucial to have friends in life. With time passing by so fast and the amount of work we have to do, not knowing anymore what it means to be a day without your phone & computer, not checking tons of e-mails several times a day and being active on the social media, friends and family truly became a sanctuary - now even more than ever before! I only have a few close friends (I guess that's normal) and I consider myself very lucky for that. I love to spend time together as much as I can, even more I love to travel with them. But what I love the most about my friends is that they are my biggest supporters, they adore my work and - here comes the best part - they push me (consciously or subconsciously) to develop, explore and in the end do things I would never thought I would do them and even start to like them! This post is very special to me since I am about to reveal you something new - yes, we are pushing the boundaries yet again! 
It was when we planned our trip together with my friend Mateja to Cinque Terre, that she asked me to make our iconic ruffle coat for her lovely daughter Ana. She owns already two, a pink one and a black one and she just wanted to match with Ana. I admit, I wasn't fond of the idea at first, especially with so much work. But, a friend is a friend and I just had to do the junior version of our statement ruffle coat. The rest is history. Because, dear ladies, we are proudly announcing The Lie by JPZ Junior line, which will consist of statement pieces from our collection - only in a smaller version! So now you can match with your baby girl - in the chicest way possible! 
You can order your daughter's ruffle coat on


Pomembno je imeti prijatelje. V današnjem tempu življenja, ko več ne poznamo prostih dni ali vsaj dneva brez telefona, računalnika, objavljanja na socialnih omrežjih in preverjanja elektronske pošte nekajkrat na dan (če ne celo nekajkrat na uro), prijatelji in družina resnično predstavljajo tisto zavetišče, ki ga potrebujemo, da  ne izgubimo sami sebe. Imam le nekaj bližnjih prijateljev, kar se mi sicer zdi normalno, hkrati pa velik privilegij, saj dostikrat težko najdeš vsaj enega dobrega prijatelja. Zelo rada preživljam z njimi kolikor časa le lahko, še raje pa z njimi potujem. Na potovanjih res kar precej odklopim delo - ne čisto, pa vendar dovolj, da si vsi skupaj napolnimo baterije. 
Moje prijateljice so moje največje podpornice in, zaradi česar se počutim še posebej priviligirano - vedno znova me potisnejo (zavestno ali podzavestno) k nečemu novemu in dobremu, k nečemu, za kar si nikoli ne bi mislila, da bom vzljubila!
Tokratna objava je precej posebna zame, saj vam bom razkrila novo skrivnost!
Bilo je, ko smo načrtovali naše skupno potovanje v Cinque Terre, da me je Mateja prosila, če bi naš ikonični plašček z volani (črnega in roza ima sama) naredila tudi njeni hčerki Ani. Priznam, na začetku mi ni bila ideja čisto nič všeč, še posebej pri obilici naročil, ki me čakajo. Vendar - za prijatelje naredimo marsikaj, kajne in jaz sem preprosto morala nerediti plašč za Ano. In ostalo, drage moje, je zgodovina. S ponosom vam oznanjam, da z ekipo pripravljamo The Lie by JPZ Junior linijo, ki bo sestavljena iz ikoničnih kosov iz naših aktualnih kolekcij - le v pomanjšani, otroški verziji. In sedaj se boste lahko "ujemale" z vašo malo na najbolj možen šik način. Mi že komaj čakamo - pa ve? 
Za naročilo plaščkov po meri za vašo najdražjo princesko nas kontaktirajte na


My Personal Style: All About The Contrasts May 06 2018, 0 Comments

Those who follow me and my brand, know very well, that I love contrasts. I spoke about them many times before. However, this time, I am creating contrast with a classic blazer, classic shopper bag, heels and - here it comes - track pants. Yes, this trend is not new at all - track pants with heels is already becoming a classic and we love it, but these looks are still mostly sporty. Extremely chic, but sporty, while iconic 3-stripe styles from Adidas Originals work anytime. Adidas originals mens 83-c  vintage track pants are, when styled with heels and other elegant pieces, perfect even for a busy work day. Agree?


Photo by: Tamara Vidmar Photography


THE LIE BY JPZ blazer, coin bracelet & shopper bag
GUCCI sunnies
ALDO ankle boots

My Prsonal Style: Purples & Reds April 28 2018, 0 Comments

Let's face it, ladies - black is a go-to color for almost everyone and most of people stick with their classic black and white pieces on a rack while completely ignoring gorgeous colors like fuchsia, indigo blue, red, purple...
But why, why are bright, fun colors so often overlooked? Most of people are secretly terrified of styling them the wrong way or think that colors just simply don't look well on them. Every woman has her own set of color matching rules, that's normal, but most of the rules are restrictive, unfortunately involving more "don't"s than "do"s. And that's such a shameeee!!! Cause in reality, you can wear more colors together than you think. And lets face two important facts:
1. color blocking is oh so IN!
2. You can now fearlessly rock neon yellow red heels without Grandma's belt-shoe-bag rule ringing in your ear, which is sooooo OUT!
Now, these last sunny days made me wear our new Spring/Summer 2018 collection (including purple blazer dress and python shopper bag with red handles) and regarding the two rules mentioned above - well, I guess the pictures will speak for itself. Right?


Photo by: Maja Waiss


THE LIE BY JPZ dress, bracelet & shopper bag
CHANEL brooch
MIU MIU sunnies
CASADEI over the knee boots

My Personal Style: Navy And A Pop Of Red April 27 2018, 1 Comment

We all need to have a classic navy blue in our closet. Why? Because it's as good as black. When in doubt, go for navy and you'll never go wrong. It's such an elegant color with eternal smell of sea. Can it get better than that...? It does! It's the choice of royalty - versatile in summer, winter, corporate or for pleasure, blue has never been more popular and w cancertainly say that blue is the new black. Go for a statement piece or two and work around them - a beautiful choice is definitely our drape skirt from Cruise 2018 collection, paired with patent leather shopper in navy blue as well.


Photo by: Maja Waiss


THE LIE BY JPZ skirt, belt & shopper bag
ZARA denim
CHANEL brooch
GUCCI sunnies
SPAZIO MODA BOLOGNA over the knee boots

Meet The Lie By JPZ Stylemakers vol. 3: The Red Carpet - Žarometi 2018 April 24 2018, 0 Comments

Spotted hitting the red carpet of this year's Slovenian media award Žarometi were also some of our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ Stylemakers! Check them out and take a look at what were they wearing!

My Personal Style: Sunday Style With A Pop of Color & The Lie by JPZ Eyewear April 22 2018, 0 Comments

Once Sunday knocks on my door it’s time to get my casual chic game face on. Sunday style for me equals comfortable clothes with chic, fun and colororful statement accessories. I elevated black and white with our big orange bag and statement white cat eye sunglasses. So, go on a city stroll, grab a glass of wine and relax this Sunday afternoon.



THE LIE BY JPZ bomber jacket, bag & sunglasses
ADIDAS tiro pants
GUCCI pumps

The Lie by JPZ Bridal - The Final Countdown vol. 2 April 01 2018, 0 Comments

Ahhhh, we are so so proud here at The Lie by JPZ. With our bridal collection almost coming out, dedicated to all romantic, urban, minimalist or avant-garde brides and their bridesmaids, we just have to show you this beautiful editorial by our photographer Tibor Golob with gorgeous Sandra, Bojana & Kate, rocking The Lie by JPZ red gowns from our upcoming Bridal Collection.
Dear brides, it's the final countdown, The Lie by JPZ Bridal Collection is launching soon and we can't wait to show it to you!


Photo: Tibor Golob
Models: Sandra, Bojana, Kate
Make up: Nina Arko
Hair: Adnel Onno

Have a Joyful Easter Break! April 01 2018, 5 Comments

Wishing you a joyful and stylish Easter break, filled with delicious treats, sweet pampering and beautiful bags!

With love, XOXOXO The Lie by JPZ Team!

P.S. Featuring The Lie by JPZ Luxurious bags - which one is your favorite?

February Equaled The Lie by JPZ Cover Girls March 11 2018, 0 Comments

We could say this past February equaled The Lie by JPZ Cover Girls. We had three beauties shining bright from the covers of Sloveninan magazines, rocking our couture & accessories. 
Which one is your favorite February The Lie by JPZ Cover Girl?


Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ red gown from our bridal collection on the cover of Story magazine on 15th of February 2018;
Denise Dame wearing The Lie by JPZ lace blouse and pants, leather belt, bum bag, wool jacket & fur vest on the cover of Avenija magazine, issued on 15th of February 2018.
Natalija Verboten wearing The Lie by JPZ leopard silk dress & turban on the cover of IN magazine, issued on 16th of February 2018.

My Personal Style: Baker Boy Hats March 08 2018, 0 Comments

Oh yes, it's so good to pair a few statement pieces to really get that super unique personal look. In this ensemble it's all about them; ruffle wool dress, embellished bag, leather choker with a golden pin and - baker boy hat. This trend is massive lately. It's a hat style you see constantly across all major fashion capitals and which I feel will be the hat trend that dominates also in 2018. So, heading toward sping - hop in the LBD, throw over your favorite coat and get into the retro vibe with our stylish baker boy hats... Dear ladies - they are coming in gorgeous eye-catching colors in our SS 2018 Collection.



THE LIE BY JPZ ruffle wool dress, leather choker, bag & baker boy hat
ZLATARSTVO OROŽ 14K gold choker neklace
CHANEL brooch

#tbt To Our Favorite 2016 & 2017 Covers February 20 2018, 0 Comments

This throwback Thursday is a tribute to our cover girls and favorite covers from past two years. There's just something about seeing beautiful ladies wearing your products on the front page of a magazine. In retrospective, here are our favorites of 2016 & 2017.
Which one you like most?


Nuša Derenda wearing The Lie by JPZ pussy bow blouse, fring skirt & leather belt on the cover of Nika magazine in February 2016;

Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ body chain on the cover of Nova magazine in August 2016;

Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ evening gown on the cover of Story magazine in September 2016;

Jerneja Podbevsek Zhembrovskyy wearing The Lie by JPZ Evening gown, leather belt and 14K gold ring bracelet on the cover of Nika magazine in November 2016;

Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ tulle skirt, leather belt and drop earringson the cover of Lady magazine in March 2017;

Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ skirt, silk blouse, earrings, leather belt and chain skirt & her mom, Daška Dremelj, wearing The Lie by JPZ silk dress, necklace & leather belt on the cover of Story magazine in April 2017;

Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ leather choker, necklace and sequin skirt  on the cover of Story magazine in June 2017;

Natalija Verboten wearing The Lie by JPZ lace dress on the cover of Avenija magazine in July 2017;

Rebeka Dremelj wearing The Lie by JPZ dress & belt on the cover of Lady magazine in December 2016;

The Lie by JPZ X Style Maker Denise Dame February 19 2018, 0 Comments

Always happy to see our Style Makers rocking The Lie by JPZ couture & accesories. Here's Denise Dame, looking absolutely gorgeous in a stylish Slovenian restaurant & hotel Ob železnici, wearing:

Outfit no. 1:
The Lie by JPZ lace blouse & pants, leather belt, bum bag, wool jacket & fur vest;

Outfit no. 2:
The Lie by JPZ pussy bow blouse, wool jacket, leather belt, leather gloves, skirt & fur stole

Outfit no. 3: 
The Lie by JPZ flare pants, top, fur vest & bag

Outfit no. 4: 
The Lie by JPZ blouse, leather belt, skirt, leather gloves & fur stole.

Picture perfect were made again by the one & only Tibor Golob.
Hair: Kristijan Skamljič
Make up: Mojca Škof



The Lie by JPZ X Style Maker Gaja Prestor Alias The Lie by JPZ Bridal Collection Reveal Final Countdown vol.1 February 18 2018, 0 Comments

Ahhhh, we are so so proud here at The Lie by JPZ. With our bridal collection almost coming out, dedicated to all romantic, urban, minimalist or avant-garde brides and their bridesmaids, we just had to share this beautiful editorial of our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ Stylemaker Gaja Prstor, looking absolutely stunning in our black gown from bridal collection. Shot in picturesque Prague, all this beauty was captured by our dear & talented photographer Tibor Golob.
Dear brides, it's the final countdown, The Lie by JPZ bridal collection is launching soon and we can't wait to show it to you


Foto: Tibor Golob

My Personal Style: Happy Valentine's Day Or Why To Go For A Red Evening Gown More Often February 14 2018, 1 Comment

Happy Valentine's Day, my loves! May your whole year be filled with Love!
Now, let me dedicate this post to red color, red evening gowns and a few reasons, why should you go for a red evening gown (more often).
Red is not just a color. It's a state of mind. Red is rooted in blood... it instantly attracts attention, makes people excited and energetic. It's a powerful color, one of the first colors used in prehistoric art and in modern days most commonly associated with heat, passion, love and sexuality.
In fashion, re is and always was a very desirable color. There are many shades of red, thus every woman can find that perfect shade for herself.
I would say - when in doubt, wear red. A red dress can be a bold fashion statement and when worn well, you can create with it a look that is both classic and seductive. You can just never go wrong with red, in winter or in summer, on a summer wedding or a black tie event, red evening gown will always pull you out of a "nothing to wear" problem in the best possible way. Just keep your red dress the focal point of your ensemble, complementing it with simple accessories that add interest and contrast to your look. White pumps and leopard clutch, or more neutral nude, silver and gold pieces and you're good to go being the star of the night...
Therefore, when investing in a beautiful and practical evening attire, go for a simple red gown, dear ladies! 


Foto by: Tibor Golob


The Lie by JPZ evening gown

My Personal Style: Sequins, Nudes, Fringes &Stuff February 06 2018, 3 Comments

Hello, ladies!

Current situation in Slovenia is a magical white winter fairytale. But this outfit one is from a few weeks ago, when it actually smelled like spring in front of my favorite spot with best food in Slovenia - penzion Kračun & restaurant Ob železnici; With its exclusive ambience and selected furnishing, restaurany & pizzeria Ob železnici is situated on ground floor of Hotel Kračun and it's must go for every pizza, risotto, pasta & burger lover! Penzion Kračun offers 12 comfortable and modern rooms where you'll recharge your body and soul in the heart of beautiful nature and pictouresque Draža vas and Žiče. Highly recommended!
I love incorporating sequins in daily looks. If you find them too avantgarde, try a matte version, like this skirt from our SS 2017 Formosa collection, which is the perfect piece for transitioning your daily look to a cocktail party attire. Agree? I paired it with our silk blouse and camel wool coat and for that extra twist, I added our playfull fringe shopper bag with edgi OTK in beige. For a pop of color in this basically monochromatic look, there's this fun Gucci hat in green and red.
For any inquiries about our custom made pieces, send us an e-mail on


Photo by: Tibor Golob
Location:  penzion Kračun & restaurant Ob železnici (click here to visit their beutiful  website and see their amazing offer)


THE LIE BY JPZ silk blouse, sequin skirt, leather belt, wool jacket, bag charm & fringe bag
ZLATARSTVO OROŽ 14K gold choker neklace
CELINE sunnies
CHANEL brooch
SIMMI boots

My Personal Style: All About That Red January 05 2018, 1 Comment

First hello in 2018 dear ladies! 

My first personal style blog post is in red from head to toe - I guess for the energetic + extremely stylish jump in the New Year, towards new dreams and new goals! I am absolutely in love with my red winter suit from the upcoming FW 18/19 collection. Wanted to go for a monochromatic look, so I added red monochromatic over the knee boots & this beautiful vintage red wool coat from my beloved grandmother (who was a true fashionista her entire and I inherited a lot of statement clothing and jewelry from her). For a small contrast (you know I love those!), I just had to add a hat and our beautiful statement shopper bag in navy blue.

I hope you all had a great jump into the New Year and wishing you a wonderful weekend! 


P.S. I am preparing a very special blog post very soon. This one really means a lot to me and I just can't wait to share it with you!


THE LIE BY JPZ pants, jacket, belt, leather glovs, necklace & shopper bag
Grandmother's vintage coat
CHANEL brooch

Have A Stylish One! December 31 2017, 0 Comments

Meet The Lie By JPZ Stylemakers vol. 2: The Glitter Series November 10 2017, 0 Comments

The Lie by JPZ limited edition NY'S CAPSULE COLLECTION is already taking over the world - take a look at our The Lie by JPZ stylemakers, who are obsessing over it in Dubai, Italy, Serbia & Slovenia! 
This festive season, become #theliebyjpzstylemaker and play with light in luxe The Lie by JPZ NY's Capsule Collection gowns that shimmer, sparkle and shine in the dark.



The Lie by JPZ NY's CAPSULE COLLECTION November 08 2017, 10 Comments


Dear ladies!
You've asked, we've delivered! You wanted to shine this festive season, yet you wanted something comfortable and simple to wear. Non sensitive fabric, that lets you dance the night away, not worrying about your train getting torn. You've asked for styles that everyone can wear, no matter size or age. Dear ladies, here it is: The Lie by JPZ limited edition NY'S CAPSULE COLLECTION, made from 14 influential pieces, resembling my vision of shimmering in the dark, while being extremely functional. So, this festive season, play with light in luxe The Lie by JPZ gowns that shimmer, sparkle and shine in the dark.


Drage dame!
Vaša želja je bila naš ukaz! Letošnje praznično obdobje, ki se je danes tudi uradno že začelo po modnih prestolnicah kot sta Pariz in London, ste želele blesteti - še bolj, kot ponavadi. A hkrati ste želele nosljivost in udobje. Neobčutljive materiale, ki vam bodo dopuščali preplesati vso noč, brez skrbi o razstrgani vlečki. Želele ste različne modele, ki pristojijo različnim postavam, ne glede na starost. Drage moje, tu je: The Lie by JPZ limited edition NY'S CAPSULE COLLECTION, sestavljena iz 14 prelepih večernih oblek, ki izražajo mojo vizijo prazničnega lesketanja na vaših zabavah, medtem, ko jih odlikuje tudi funkcionalnost. Torej, tokratno praznično obdobje se igrajte s svetlobo zatemnjenih prostorov v luksuznih The Lie by JPZ večernih oblekah in zablestite - še bolj, kot sicer.


My Top Fashion Picks On Our Stylemaker Rebeka Dremelj's New Blog November 07 2017, 0 Comments


Hey ladies!
I guess I always loved writing and it's probably in my DNA since my mom is a journalist.
Over the years, i have written many columns and articles on fashion, but here's a new project, very dear to my heart. Why? Cause from now on I will share my top fashion picks on new blog, launeched yesterday, ran by our all time favorite The Lie by JPZ Stylemakers, Rebeka Dremelj! Yes, I love her. We've started working together 8 years ago and since developed a very close friendship. Maybe we don't see each othyer as often as we would like (or need to), but it's one of those relationships you just know that when I am in need, it's her I can always turn to.
So, take a look at our top 5 fall fashion picks on our The Lie by JPZ Stylemaker Rebeka Dremelj's new blog - some of you may not understand, but I guess pictures are also in this case worth more than a thousand words: NEPREMAGLJIVA.SI


Drage moje!
Tokrat objavo na našem blogu pišem tudi v Slovenščini - prvič. Preprosto zato, ker je bolj kot našim tujim strankam in bralcem, namenjen vam, drage Slovenke. 
Od nekdaj sem rada pisala in pisanje je verjetno zasidrano v mojem DNK-ju, saj je novinarka moja mami. Skozi leta sem ustvarila veliko kolumn in člankov na temo mode, tokratni nov projekt pa mi je še posebej pri srcu. Zakaj? Kajti od sedaj naprej bom svojih top 5 modnih kosov, ki jih preprosto morate imeti v svoji omari (tako kot Rebeka), delila z vami na njenem novem blogu! Ja, zelo jo imam rada. Sodelovati sva začeli 8 let nazaj in od takrat spletli tesno prijateljstvo. Takšno, za katero preprosto veš, da se, ko si v stiski, lahko zaneseš nanj.
Torej, drage moje, klik na nov Rebekin blog in odkrijte, katerih top 5 jesenskih kosov prepristo ne sme manjkati v vaši garderobi: NEPREMAGLJIVA.SI